Saiyan's Invade!

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You landed down at Kame house "Hey guys" You saw Bulma handing Krillin the Dragon Radar "Oh! (Y/N)! Perfect timing. See Krillin was about to head out to grab the dragon balls. I need you to go gather the Z Warriors!" You were frozen for a moment "Who?" "The Z Warriors! You know...Tien, Chiaotzu, And Yamcha!" You nodded "Right! When did we get named that?" "You weren't here but that's what we named you guys after you defeated Piccolo!" You walked outside "Okay then! I guess I'll get looking. Krillin when you can stop by the wastelands. That's where we'll all be training!" With Krillin's nod, you flew off.

You landed outside a crevasse and walked into it to get jumped from both sides. You dived forward and threw dust backwards as one of the guys charged towards you, you ducked down and kicked them into the air with the second one coming around you grabbed them by the neck and threw them to the ground and jumped forward before the mysterious attacker from above could land down to hit you. That's when you realised the one you were holding was Chiaotzu and the other attacker was Tien "GIRLS! I'm so sorry!" You dropped Chiaotzu and she panted "It's fine we couldn't see you either! But I guess that goes to show how strong you've gotten eh Raptor?" You tilted your head "It's...(Y/N)" Tien and Chiaotzu looked at each other "You're (Y/N)!?" You smirked and gave them a thumbs up "You know it! Bigger than last time we met huh?" Tien circled you "I don't believe you. Prove it!" You thought a bit "Remember when we were in the middle of the desert and while we were at the hotel you wasted all the cold water so you asked for me to hop in with you but when I refused you grabbed my arm and-" Tien blushed "OKAY! Okay...Jeez, I now know you are (Y/N)" You lifted up a bit of Tien's hair to see her third eye "Yup it's you. Nice braids by the way. You've really grown your hair" She twirled it around her finger "Really?" Chiaotzu jumped in "Enough! (Y/N). Why did you come to find us?" You perked up "Right! There are 2 strong powerful forces coming to earth and they plan to wish for immortality with the dragon balls and kill everyone. So we have devised a plan. I'll explain it later but if you 2 could follow me to help find Yamcha that'd be great" They nodded "Let's go then. Getting the Z Warriors back together" You sighed "How many people know about it?"

You 3 landed by the central of East City to see Yamcha flirting with some of the boys working out there "Ahem Ahem!" Yamcha turned to see you "(Y/N)!" She ran over to hug you tightly "I'm so glad you're here" You hugged back and smiled "Thanks Yamcha but this is serious. The reason I came here to get you was because there are 2 massive power levels coming to earth and we need to gather up once again to fight them" Yamcha let go and threw her fist in the air "Awww yeah! Let's go! Z Warriors!" You sighed "Goddammit" You flew off with the 3 of them following. 

As you were flying to the wasteland, Krillin flew up to you "I handed the dragon balls to Bulma! Any moment now the sky should-" The sky turned black "There we go." You all stopped for a moment and waited for the sky to go normal. Once it did you noticed a dragon ball fly over your head "Looks like the wish was granted. Now Goku will head back to earth" You all continued flying to the wastelands and for the next few days intense training kicked in.

You grabbed Yamcha and threw her into the ground as Krillin jumped on your back you flew back to hit her into a rock and punched her through it "Come on girls...If you can't beat me you'll never be able to beat the other 2 Saiyans..." Krillin climbed out of the rock "I know...I know." You smiled "Hey it's only been a few days and you got me on edge alone. You can definitely beat them if you keep this up for the rest of the month" 

The Saiyan's arrived at the end of the month. You flew up "Okay guys! You stay here and I'll grab some Senzu Beans. If they show up be sure to catch them by surprise." They nodded with confidence filling their eyes. You flew off and over to Korin's tower to see her watering some Senzu Beans "Here to grab some Senzu Beans I assume?" She turned to see you "(Y/N)! Oh, it's a pleasure! How many did you need?" "Just a pack of 10 please" Korin handed you a bag of 10 Senzu Beans "Good Luck in your fight!" You nodded and flew off "I OWE YOU!" She walked to the end of the tower "I mean it...Don't die..." 

As you flew back and saw the 2 Saiyans. Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu were already dead and Go-Chi was about to be finished off. As one of the Saiyans shot their attack you jumped in and kicked it away "Looks like a new fighter joined the ring!-" You flew over and kicked her right in the arm as you heard a loud snap and she hit the floor "GAAHHH!" You stood over her as she sweeps kicked you and blasted you back but you flipped back and caught yourself "V-Vegeta! Tell me his power level!" The spiky-haired girl known as Vegeta pressed her scouter to read your power level "It's...100...No it's still going!" You glared as the Saiyan with a broken arm was frozen in fear "IT'S...OVER 9000!" Vegeta crushed the scouter as the other Saiyan turned "OVER 9000?! NO WAY!" As she turned back you were right in front of her "Did you kill them?" She slowly backed away as she tried to run for it when Vegeta blasted her with a simple Ki blast that completely erased her "So you're the Prophecy huh?" You stayed quiet "I must say a power level of 11,500 is impressive but nothing compared to me the Saiyan Elite!" "You're bluffing" Vegeta narrowed her eyes "Am I?" "Your power level is only 9,000" Vegeta stepped back a bit "Damn...You...You cocky bastard!" As Vegeta charged at you, you slapped her across the face into a mountain and it crumbled on top of her. As she exploded out of the mountain she panted and you turned to her. You threw the Senzu Beans to Krillin "Krillin, Heal anyone who needs it. Hopefully, Yamcha and the others could still be alive" Krillin nodded and ran over to them "Now Vegeta. You haven't really killed anyone since you got to earth. You kinda just sat on the sidelines while your big friend did all the work. So I'll give you a chance to leave if you'd like" Vegeta clenched her fists "You...YOU...!"

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