The perfect night.

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Saturday, 10:00 pm.
"It's been almost a week since we've moved in together and I guess the only week for the next few months as his tour is approaching quickly."thought y/n.
Y/n dreaded the next Tuesday because that will be their last day together, in the same house. She still tries to put on her best smile because these moments with him are too precious. She changes into her favourite pajamas and get in bed. He's there already, with a book in his hand. As she gets in, he ruffles her hair lightly. "Y/n, is it fine if we get up a little early tomorrow? I wanna take you somewhere special." Y/n looks at him with confusion. There isn't a single thing in this world that y/n wouldn't do for Namjoon but getting up early, that too on a Sunday? Guess she'll do that too because he's her entire world. "Ofcourse, where are going?" Y/n replies. "That'll ruin the surprise, baby. But make sure you put on some warm clothes." He replies, smiling his dimpled smile.
Y/n nods and smiles at him. She makes her way into his arms, placing her head on his chest. Namjoon hugs her from one arm and balances his book from another. "Let me just finish this chapter and then we can sleep, okay?"
"Shh-sure, g'night" y/n mumbles. She had a long day at work and it was visible. He gets back to his book. 15 mins later, he folds the corner of the page he's on and sets it aside. Y/n is snoring softly.
He switches off the bedside moon lamp and adjusts himself on the pillow. Stroking her hair gently, he smiles to himself. "I wish all my days ended like this, with the love of my life in my arms." He thinks to himself. One single tear escapes his eye and rolls down his cheek. He stops it midway, wiping it by the back of his hand as it would've ended up on y/n's face. Humming softly, he let's sleep take over him.

Be with me, forever. (A Kim Namjoon FF)Where stories live. Discover now