Suprise, suprise!

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Author's pov:
   Y/n wakes up to the aroma of pancakes and coffee. She squints her eyes to check the time on the bedside alarm clock. "4:30 a.m, why is he cooking the breakfast at this time? That too all by himself, I hope he doesn't get hurt." She thinks to herself. Suddenly, it hits her. The surprise outing. She gets up, stretches her arm and slips into her Koya slippers. Y/n enters the kitchen and says "Joonie, it was my turn to make the breakfast today, remember? Plus you're not allowed near sharp objects, you're a magnet for accidents." He chuckles, throwing a berry towards y/n. " I'm not using any sharp knifes or the gas cook top. I'm allowed to use pancakes mix and the induction, right? Now go and take a warm shower, we've to leave in half an hour."
She rolls her eyes and walks towards their room. As she opens her wardrobe, something catches her eye. A complete outfit, of a pastel pink turtleneck, a dark blue coat and a pair of warm leggings with a black cashmere scarf was laid out on a table next to the wardrobe, including a pair of black boots. She takes the outfit and walks into the bathroom, smiling to herself. "He's just too precious."
(During breakfast)
Namjoon sets out the breakfast on the table. He was pouring the second glass of orange juice when y/n enters the room. "I'm glad you liked what I picked out for you." He says.
"You have a really good style, Joon. I loved it."
Taking the first bite of pancakes, she chuckles.
"This is way better than the ones you made last time, you're getting there Namjoon."
He smiles triumphantly and says "Thank you y/n. You've taught me well."
After the breakfast, y/n cleared out the table while Namjoon changed into warm clothes.
Their house was just a 10 mins walk from a park in the area, it was one of the biggest parks in the city. The main attraction of this place was the sunrise point. A flight of steps lead to the point, which was situated in the heart of this park. Y/n was aware about Namjoon's addiction to the nature and she was a fan of butterflies and flowers herself so when they came across this beautiful place for the first time, they decided to buy a house near it. Namjoon comes out the room carrying a side bag, dressed in white turtleneck, a beige sweater and a brown overcoat. Y/n spots an olive umbrella in his hand.It was still dark out and the grey clouds covered the sky. They noticed that it was drizzling lightly. While stepping out of the house, y/n says,"You and I, both know that I've guessed your surprise. We're going to the park, aren't we?"."That's a part of the surprise, yes." He replies calmly. "Promise me you won't ask any questions about the surprise. It ruins the fun", he adds. "Okay, I won't" she says with an annoyed pout. Y/n hates it when she's not in control of the situation. Suddenly, he brings her face close to his leaves a kiss on her cheek. This makes y/n blush. "Shall we?" He says,  sliding his right hand into her left. Their fingers intertwine perfectly.
"Such a gentleman" she replies shyly.
On their way to the park, they chatted about Namjoon's tour and the duration of the tour. It made them little sad but they knew that they'll be fine. Namjoon talked animatedly about the stages and the set ups and y/n listened to him carefully. She loved how passionate he was about his work.
Later, y/n told him that she's really happy with her work, too. She was a makeup artist for a renowned modelling agency. She has also worked for Big Hit in the past but that was before these lovebirds became a thing.
5 mins later, they reach the entrance of the park. The slight drizzle turned into bigger droplets. It was still dark but the birds had started chirping, signalling the quick approaching sunrise. The air carried the smell of the fresh soil and flowers with it. Namjoon opened his umbrella, as he didn't like his clothes getting wet. Y/n notices that Namjoon is staring at magpie sitting on a branch, she quickly takes out her phone and clicks a picture of him. "Y/n, come under the umbrella. The rain's going to come down heavily" Namjoon calls out. Quickly, she walks towards him and gets under the umbrella. Finally, they enter the park, together under the same umbrella.

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