To all the sunrises, together.

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“Namjoon, where are we going? This park is huge and I’m not fan of walking, you know that.”
“Y/n, we’re almost there. You don’t wanna miss this, for sure.” He replies enthusiastically, walking along a cobbled path that lead to the sunrise point.
“Okay, if you say so.” she says.
The sky has started changing it’s colour and the grey clouds were making way for the rosy, pink coloured ones.  The raindrops finally stopped and the first rays of sun made their way to the horizon. 
The cobbled path lead to a flight of steps, which ended up at the sunrise point. Namjoon held his hand out for y/n as they started climbing up the steps carefully.
The sunrise point was like a balcony. Few stone benches were placed, facing east. 5 minutes later, they reached the point. 
Orange and yellow sunrays were peeping through the mountains ranges, visible from this point. The sky changed into a glowing pink shade. 
“Y/n this is the next part of the surprise.” Namjoon says, while looking at y/n. She’s in awe of the beauty of the nature in front of her. She tears her eyes away from the sky to look at him.
“ This is the most glorious sunrise I’ve ever seen. Thank you, baby. I couldn’t have asked for a better morning.” She says, while wrapping her arm around his waist. He responds by placing his arm around her shoulder. 
They walks towards one of the stone benches and sit next to each other. Namjoon scoots closer to y/n, takes her hand into his own and says- 
“Y/n, sunrises depicts the beginning of a brand new day. I brought you here for a simple reason, I wish all my days starts with you. You’re my sun on gloomy days. Your smile, like the rainbow after a storm, makes everything better. Your existence, like the roots to a tree, keeps me ground while giving me the strength I need .
When I have you by my side, I feel I can conquer every obstacle thrown towards me. I love you and I’ll keep loving you for as long as I live ”
She didn’t notice the tear that escaped her eyes and landed on Namjoon's hand. 
With his free hand, he pulls out a set of beautiful couple rings. The rings were identical, a band of platinum with one small diamond in the middle. The only difference was the smaller one was delicate. 
He frees his hand from hers gently, brings it to her face and wipes the tears.
“Namjoon, you’re the best thing that has happened to me. I wasn’t looking for a relationship but when I met you, something inside me changed. I don’t know why and how, but I do know that I want to spend all my mornings and my nights with you and the best part about us is how we’ve managed to stay by each other’s side for the past 2 years, with all the ups and downs. Kim Namjoon I haven’t loved anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I ever will.”
Y/n didn’t show her emotions easily but this whole situation made her vulnerable. She wanted Namjoon to know his worth in her life. 
With tears in his eyes, he slipped the smaller ring on y/n's fourth finger of left hand, brought it to his lips and placed a kiss on it. He handed her the other one.  She smiled warmly at him, took his hand into hers and slid the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.
As if on cue, the sun emerged from the mountains gradually. The sky looked alluring, with the mix of all shades of orange, yellow, pink, purple and blue. 
They sat there silently for a very long time, enjoying the nature and each other’s company to the fullest. This day could easily be counted as one of the best days of their relationship and watching a sunrise whenever they were together turned into a ritual. A ritual that would last till eternity. 

Be with me, forever. (A Kim Namjoon FF)Where stories live. Discover now