Chapter 2

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It was weird, I could hear people talking around me, but I don't think I was conscious. What had happened? I couldn't remember, but I felt like I did something really good. Like I saved someone I really cared about. But who was it? I didn't get my answer, so I decided to try and listen to the people around me. Maybe they would tell me.


"Constantina!!" Jensen cried, hovering over me.

"Don't touch her!!" Jared growled, slapping his hand away from me.

Jensen looked up at him with fire in his eyes, even though they were streaming tears down his face and onto my body.

"Dude, don't touch her," Jared whispered as his eyes started watering.

"We can't just leave her here!!!" Jensen whined, turning back to me. "We need to make sure she's breathing."

Jared groaned, shaking his head.

"Move, Jensen!!" Tyler, the SPN medical doctor, called as he ran toward them.

Jensen spun to him and relief that didn't last, spread through his body. He threw himself backwards to give the doctor some space.

Jared moved off as well. He grabbed Jensen and pulled him to his feet.

Jensen whimpered, grabbing at his best friend. He slammed him into his body, hugging him for dear life.

Jared matched the hug, trying to keep himself from looking down at me.

I was covered in blood and scratches and broken bones.

"Why did she—" Jensen wailed, but his voice got caught in his throat. "Why did she save me?!?"

Jared just shook his head, holding him tighter. He has kept this secret for years! It had been his longest one yet. There was no way he was telling him that right now or anytime soon.

Jensen watched as security arrested the driver, a young woman. He'd just realized that the truck had crashed into other cars after hitting me. He narrowed his eyes as the woman cried being put into handcuffs. She was screaming things at him, but he couldn't understand what she was saying and neither could anyone else. He soon realized she was speaking in German.

Misha slowly walked from the truck toward him, looking down at me for only a second. I was being moved to a stretcher now. He stopped behind his best friends.

Jensen flinched at a hand landing on his shoulder and he saw it was Misha. He reached out for him and his friend met him half way.

The three of them just stood there until one of the EMT's spoke up.

"We're taking her to XX Hospital. Is anyone family?" The woman asked in a hurry.

Jensen spun free and nodded. "She's my sister-in-law."

The EMT looked him over, knowing that really didn't make her family to him, but she didn't have time for him to argue about it. So, she nodded. "Alright, come on!!"

"We got the kids," Misha said as Jensen bolted for the Ambulance.

That hit Jensen. He forgot they were here and was relieved that he had them inside.

He climbed up into the truck and looked back at his friends, nodding. He didn't have time to say anything as the doors closed on him. He moved to where they told him to sit and he leaned back against the wall, covering his face with his hands.

He froze and pulled them away a little bit. There was blood on his hands and his breathing spiked. Why did she push me out of the way? What was she thinking?? She wouldn't have been hit. That woman wasn't going after her. It was me that she was after. She had to know that, so why...?

His Sister-In-Law (Jensen Ackles Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now