Y/n Jaeger

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"Like this, Mom?" A girl around the age of 10 questioned her mother, eyes stingy from slicing the onion on the table. Her mother was washing the vegetables they were going to cook while her father was reading a medical book beside her. The woman then turned towards her to watch the onions she had sliced up.

"Yes Y/n, but could you slice it up a bit more?" She warmly smiled at the girl as she continue to wash the vegetables. "You need to mince it."

"Mom, my eyes are getting teary." She complained.

"And the vegetables aren't going to wash themselves you know?" The girl sighed knowing there's no way around it.

She really needs to mince it huh?

'Aaah... I really hoped that I just went with Eren and Mikasa to pick up fire woods. Maybe it would have been much fun..'

She went back to slicing the onions pulling her head once in a while whenever her eyes started watering.

"Dad, are you going to go again later?" She jerked her head towards her father's direction pushing the chopping board slightly towards the center of the table as her mother took it. She was now going to cook their meal for the day.

"Well, yeah. I have to see a patient two towns up." He lifted his gaze from the medical book he was reading towards his daughter.

"Oh." Was all she could say as the front door then opened revealing Eren and Mikasa carrying fire woods. Grisha went back into reading the book he was reading earlier.

Upon entering Eren and Mikasa put the fire woods down the crate then Eren went to sit down beside Grisha.

"You're late." Carla said as she looked at both Mikasa and Eren

"Yeah.... Did something happen?" Y/n questioned her brother and Mikasa

"Some stuff." Eren answered

'Definitely hiding something.'

But she pushed the thought aside as Mikasa went to sit across her.

"Eren said. . .He wants to join the survey corps." Mikasa blurted out of the blue as the (h/c) haired girl looked at her twin.

"Are you serious?" Y/n deadpanned "Do you have some kind of death wish Bro?"

"M-mikasa! I told you not to tell them!" Eren panicked.

"Eren!" Carla looked at her son, alarmed. "What are you thinking?!" She then put her hand on his shoulder "Do you know how many people have died just because they ventured outside those walls?!" Pure worry was laced by the way she was speaking.

"Y-yes Mom, I know!!" Eren answered as the other three in the room were now watching them both argue.

'So you DO got some kind of death wish?'

"Eren.." Grisha looked at his son. " Why do you want to go outside the walls?"

Eren hung his head low. " I hate living in this cage! It is as if we are just some kind of livestock getting ready to be fed to those titans outside." Eren took a deep breath then looked at Grisha "Plus. If there's no one to carry on. . . Everyone who died until now would have died for nothing!"

"I see. . ." Grisha got up and gathered his stuff.

"Aren't you gonna eat first, dad?" Y/n asked "Lunch is already finished, do you really have to go now?" Y/n placed her hands on the table.

"I'd love to Y/n, but I'd better be going the ferry would be leaving soon." Grisha opened the door

"Wait, honey!" Carla called " Talk some sense into your son!"

"Carla. . .it doesn't matter what anyone says. There's no holding back a mind burning with curiosity." He turned to look at Eren then showed them a key that is attached to his neck. " When I get home. . . I'll show you what's in the basement." He smiled. " I'll show you what I've been keeping a secret this whole time."

"R-really?!" Eren asked again in disbelief.

" Yes. But before I go I wanna talk to you in private Y/n." He gestured towards the door. "Outside."

"Yes, dad." The girl smiled as she followed her father out the door. When the door was locked and also because it was rather a very busy day, people surrounding them couldn't hear what they were talking about so it was perfect.

Grisha sternly looked at her. " Now remember, No-"

"No using of abilities while you're not here to supervise me. Yes dad I already know it." Y/n interrupted. Grisha smiled then patted her head

"Good." Grisha then fished something out of his pocket. When he opened his palms to show it to the girl it was a pendant. A half-moon pendant.

"Huh?" The girl asked confused by the fact that her father just showed her a pendant she sure as heck never remembered asking for.

"It's to suppress it." Grisha smiled as she took the girls hand and placed the pendant in it then closed her palms. "Safety measures."

"Dad." The girl squinted her eyes. "I'm not dangerous okay?"

"But then again this is a much better option than risking anyone seeing my daughter using 'it' and then accusing her of something she is not." He stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Okay, okay I'll wear it." She looked at the pendant at hand. "Thanks, Dad." She let out a soft smile "You're the best."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I really do need to get going." Grisha picked up his stuff just as the same time as Carla, Eren, and Mikasa went out the door to tell the man their goodbyes.

Y/n was waving at her father then stopped when she realized something.

"Wait!" Grisha turned towards the girl, eyebrows knitted together. "When are you coming back?"

"Tomorrow or the day after!"

"Have a safe trip, Dad!"

And when everything was just about great. . .

"I won't let you do anything foolish as joining the survey corps!" Carla broke out

"What?" Eren said. 'Foolish?!' He thought.

"The way I see it people who would rather AND satisfied to live like caged animals are the foolish ones!" Eren the stormed off running into the opposite direction from where his mother was.

"Eren. . ." Carla wheezed. Clearly concerned by his son's behaviour

'You're giving Mom a headache you know that Eren, right?'



Oh! And thank you for reading this book btw.

I do not own any of the characters because they belong to their rightful owner. What I do own is the plot.

Plagiarism is a crime, punishable by law.

Re-Published: June 4, 2024
Proof Read: June 5, 2024
Editing: June 5, 2024

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