Life... what a horrible experience!

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'Jamie! Get down here at once! Please, please Jamie!' Screamed my mum at the front door. As I walked slowly,down the deep black stairs towards my tearful mother. Her hair was all over the place, eyeliner was smudged across her pale white face, her lip stick wasn't put on properly, black, salty tears ran down her red checks, she had a huge cut on her arm and her white expensive top was ripped and had blood droplets on it. She looked at me an began to cry even harder, as I came closer to hold her a huge guy came in. I looked at my mum and took a few steps back. The guy was holding a long sharp knife with blood dripping from it, he opened his mouth to smile, his teeth were black and brown, his hair was deep, midnight blue, his eyes were black as charcoal, his hands were big, he had big muscles and his smile grew bigger and bigger until and huge hurtful laugh came out of that dreadful mouth of his. The guy came closer and closer, he got hold my mothers hand, she struggled to let go, but he was bigger and stronger than a skinny woman like her. He got his knife and than he stabbed her, he drew his knife more into her body, my mum screamed louder and louder. I didn't know what to do, my heart pounded really hard, I tried so hard to pull the man away from me but as I tried he laughed and laughed louder than ever. My mum was slowly fading, I screamed help as I kept ed trying to stop the guy from hurting my mother even more, but this time he didn't take it from me, he elbowed my face and I was knocked out unconscious.

My life has changed ever since that godawful day, as I sit in my foster parents home memories come back, they never seem to go, they always find a way back to me. my heart beaks as I think of what happened to my mother.

Geebee missing you and all people you know O, I C J I, M S, S H, H, A R even MM and Tramp and her husband.  Plz do the right thing.

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