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Techno and his team were walking around getting kills and apparently staying away from Dream because he's so called 'good at the game'. Which he thinks he couldn't be that good but meh.

"Oh also when dose this end?" Techno asked while yawning. "It ends when there just one team left also the border will be shrinking in about 5 minutes so where going to have to move in soon" Phil said as he looked back at the glowing blue barrier be hind him.

A few cannons went off in the distance showing pictures of champions including Skeppy and someones name that was like jicshlat many I was hard to read.

"Do any of you know how many people are alive still I haven't been keeping track" said Techno as he sall a bird fly over them."Um I think 14" Tommy said as he looked at Techno. "Are you shore you are Tommy" Techno said with a smirk on his face. "Yes I'm shore!" Tommy yelled.

"Shh don't yell" Will said a bit annoyed. "sorry" Tommy mumbled. They hadn't found any other teams yet which was surprising considering they've searched half the map. "Where is every body?" Tommy asked when he noticed they haven't found anyone. "I don't know but I'm going to go searching for some people, I don't think I will be that long if I find a whole team and there good I'll come back." Techno said ready to run off.

"Ok just be careful it would suck if you would die" Will said sounding a bit concerned. "What do you mean Techno Blade neva' dies" Techno said with a cheeky smirk on. "Just be careful" Will said as he rolled his eyes. "M'kay" Techno nodded as he ran off.

After Techno was running for about two minutes when there was a small parachute floated down from the sky in front of his feet. It read 'to Techno from viewers' it also had a message 'You better beat the crap out of dream I had to buy this for 50 gold,it tracks players near you'.

Techno closed his eyes causing his memory to come back up to the surface.

Hmm hm hmhmmm he couldn't help humming with his mother as she cooked but new he what would happen. His mom notices the duplicate tune humming with her and turned around. She was now faced to her 5 year old son, her smile instantly left her face and turned into a look of disgust as she looked at him.

"What do you think your doing out of the attic!" She yelled as she dropped the spoon she was holding just to slap him hard on the cheek causing his eye so water up a bit. "I-I'm sorry mother I just was so hungry I couldn't help my self" Techno said no more that a whisper.

She took a step closer to him "You better get fucking up there before I get Arther to teach you a lesson!" she yelled as he froze at the mention of his name. "Go!" She spat as Techno ran up the stairs to the attic.

Techno walked to his old clothes and sat down, because he didn't have a bed. Right now he looked malnourished but his bones did grow to a normal size. The reason is because he's friends with his neighbour who has cows and lets him have some if he helps her around the farm.

Techno is skinny for his age but the mass he dose have is muscle which makes him stronger for his age so other kids won't mess with him. He had big bags under his eye wich had him look more menacing so that also served as a factor in if people approached him.

Techno had been dealing with this for as long as he could remember. He doesn't know why they do this, is it because of him? Do they not like me because I don't look anything like them with me having pink hair and with them with common brown hair?

Did I do something when I was little that infuriated them? Or did I do nothing and they just hate me for no reason..? That's what I've been thinking, for years but I will never ask them personally, who knows what they would do if I ask them.

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