Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I awoke then next morning in a state of utter peculiarity. You know that feeling you get when you were in a deep sleep then suddenly awaken for no reason what so ever? That was the feeling that I was having at that point in time. Ari had left the night before instead of Monday morning as planned because her dad came for her since he decided that they were going to go… somewhere, so I was alone in my room. I wanted to strip and go take a bath, but I didn’t think that stripping would have been effective at that moment, especially since it was still black out, and the soft fur that was rubbing against my back was feeling too good to move from at the moment. I turned to my alarm clock, which I had just realised had never actually worked, and saw that it was a little after five am. I swore softly realising that it was probably the first time in my life that I was that I had ever gotten up before six in the morning, or the sun rose, whichever came first. I dragged my lazy body off of my bed, earning a horrendous scowl from Felix.

“Want to come with me?’ I asked him. He looked up with a partially sleepy, partially bored, partially irritated look. I had wondered back then how the cat could have given me all those expressions and yet, be… well, a cat. If only I knew.

I picked Felix up in my arms and carried him downstairs to the kitchen where my father was. My long pink hello kitty pyjama pants dragging below the white rabbit eared bedroom slippers as I groggily moved my still moderately asleep body downstairs to the kitchen.

“Daddy.” I said with a floppy grin. Hell, even Felix smiled when he saw my father in the kitchen. My dad + kitchen is always a good combination. No matter the time, place or state of sanity, my dad in a kitchen meant one thing and one thing only.


“Sit.” He ordered causing both Felix and me to listen, sitting on command. He placed a plate full of cinnamon waffles with chocolate syrup doused over it in front of my face and a bowl of milk in front of Felix. Dad was particularly nice to Felix since he knew that I wasn’t one to keep pets.

I dug into my waffles enjoying the mixed taste of the cinnamon and the chocolate forming a symphony orchestra of ecstasy in my mouth, the epitome perfection.

“Oh sweet baby Jesus, mother Mary and Joseph,” I cried out. I think Felix was having the same feeling that was having it was only recently I learnt that he had not been drinking whole milk like a nice little kitty, but rather something like a cross between almond milk and Baileys. Naughty kitty.

At half past six I had finished eating and was in the middle of getting dressed for school. The hot water in the bathroom’s shower had gone bonkers so I had to bathe in cold water. If you’re not accustomed to showering in cold water in the morning… be grateful to the man who created the hot water to run through your taps, because, let’s face it, it was a man, and we all know that showering in the morning wouldn’t have been as common as it should have if it didn’t exist. That’s all I’m saying.

I changed into a pair of black jeans and a cobalt blue t-shirt that Ari had brought for me –she was the one who stole it in the first place- ‘with one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor,’ printed across the front of it, and my black plaid high tops.

“Hi Berry!” A voice said, nearly causing me to have a partial cardiac arrest.

“Mother!” I hissed. She dropped he weightless form backwards onto my bed, spreading her arms around like a fish.

“Nice bed. If it is one thing that I miss, it’s a good bed…” she said with her eyes closed.

“Berry, I’m leaving now.” I heard Liam shout out.

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