A Few Times That They Were Arrested

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-A few of these scenes were inspired by @Morally_Gray. Go follow them and read there books they are amazing. A few are my original though.

A few time's they were arrested


The first time had happened whilst they were in civvies. It had started out as a peaceful protest.

It soon went violent. Tear gas was thrown. The crowd scattered and the Police were hitting everyone.

In an attempt to save everyone they had begun to fight back. Roy, Artemis, Connor and Kaldur fighting back. M'gann, Dick and Wally tried to help people escape.

They were all soon arrested and taken to CCPD.

Roy and Kaldur was placed with the Adults. The rest were placed in a separate cell. Dick had made sure to keep his sunglasses on. His one call went to Bruce.

When Bruce heard he was furious. Someone had tried to hurt his son. Not on.

He paid bail for all of them.

They were banned from missions for a week.

The second time had happened at Happy Harbour. Dick, Wally and Artemis were supposed to get groceries.

Trolling old people was more fun than shopping.

They were taken in under charges of resisting arrest and assault of an officer. What? Artemis wasn't going to go quietly.

They had used their one call to call Roy. At first he was mad. How the fuck was he supposed to pay 10,000 dollar bail.

Turns out if you ask nice enough Ollie would give you money. *You have no proof it was blackmail.*

He was proud of the kids though. 6 months as a team and two arrests. They were good.

The third time they were taken in for destruction of private property.

It had been in Gotham.

The offenders had been Wally West, Artemis Crock, Megan Morse, Conner Kent and Roy Harper.

The guy had been bulling Dick. What were they supposed to do.

They broke into his property and egged it. They have broken a few things.

GCPD had been called. Now they awaited bail. Lucky for them Dick had been erasing their record.

Bruce was pissed when Dick said the team called him from the GCPD.

He almost left them in there to teach them s lesson. Almost.

Their punishment was to clean the entire cave. No powers. Dick was furious. When he asked why Bruce said one thing. HHPD.

Shit. He knew.

The fourth time had been at a protest. Again.

Bruce was pissed when he got a call from Melbourne, Australia. Sometimes he hates kids. But then he remembers all the good they did and bails them anyway.

The fifth time had been for breaking and entering.

What. They were filming a You tube video. But Bruce didn't need to know that.

Wally, Roy, and Dick had been the perps this time.

They were filming in haunted 'abandoned' locations. This one wasn't abandoned. A gang who owned the joint caught them and called the police.

They didn't want to get the team in trouble again so they called Barry.

He called Bruce and Oliver anyway.

It had been all over Metropolis news (Covered by Louis of course) That Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen had picked up their wards from the police department. Oh. And some blurred out random red head.

A week they were benched.

A week.


-Please leave some requests in the comments below. And comment what you think. I love going through the comments and ready what you guys say.

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