How to Troll a Justice League

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-IDK what this part is. It is literally something i wrote because why the hell not. The meme's i used are above.

How to troll a Justice League

The Team were well aware that the Justice League had cameras everywhere. Everywhere except their Bedrooms and bathrooms. What else explains how they knew about Wally and Dick's relationship before they told them. But hacking the cameras got old. They discovered that at the back of each of their closets there is a small wall that breaks away. Behind that wall is a 10 meter by 10 meter room. So after careful planning they had their own private little common room. This is generally where they would go to plan things. Their little vacation being one of them.

Life was good after they found that room. They didn't use it every day as to not cause suspicion but when there was something they wanted to discuss privately they would use that room. They would also use it to plan pranks and shenanigans. Today was one of those days.

"So I have an idea." Wally started. They were all lounging around on bean bags.

"Oh no. This can't be good." Artemis Joked. Wally glared at her playfully before turning back to the Team.

"So a few months Back Rob's brothers and I trolled Batman. We had a competition to see who make the most Vine or Tik Tok references. The more Pissed or Confused Batman got the more points we scored. A little while back Rob put camera's in the monitor room. So I say we start spitting our references at each other. Winner get's to... Not do chores for a week. Loser has to do... The forfeit." Wally suggested getting an evil glint in his eye.

"I'm in." Dick said almost immediately.

"If Robin's in then I'm in to." Artemis said scrolling through Tumblr.

"Oh. I would like to Participate as well." M'gann said with her ever cheery attitude. Connor grunted.

"I shall compete as well. I feel like this will be a good bonding experience for all of us." With that they began scheming.



Up in the Watch Tower Barry and Hal were on monitor duty. They were just watching the screens until the saw something happening in the cave. Artemis and Wally were fighting. Again.

Wally: Argh. I can't believe you think Star Trek is better than Star Wars.

Artemis: Because Baywatch it is.

Kaldur: Right I've had enough of this. Time out. Get on top of the fridge. Get up there. *Points at Artemis than the fridge.

Artemis: *Getting on top of the fridge* THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE.



Back in the Watch Tower Hal and Barry could barely breathe. That scene was so dam funny. After a solid 5 minutes of laughing they regained their composure and got back to monitor duty before Bruce came by. What the dude was scary. In and out of the mask.

The next person the Team caught in their meme scheme was Clark and Bruce. The two best friends (Dare I say lovers. Yes, Yes I do dare.) Were on monitor duty when the kitchen camera at the mountain picked up something.



Wally: *Is wearing sunglasses and has one hand on the over door.

Dick: *Has sunglasses on as well and is holding a trombone.* *Starts playing*

Wally: *Starts banging the oven in time with the trombone. Nodding his head along with it.*

Dick: *Finishes playing and drops the trombone and walks out of the room.*

Wally: *Follows him*



Clark had a very hard time staying composed. Internally he was laughing so very hard. He was literally biting on his lips trying to stop the smile that was trying to grace his face. Bruce just looked at the screen in confusion. This was the same thing Dick and Damian had done not even 2 months ago. What was it Jason called it. A meme. No it was Tik Tok wasn't it. A vine maybe?

The next pairing to fall victim to the Team's "meme off" Was Diana and Arthur. The pairing were barely In the Watch Tower but they had been called in for monitor duty because Barry, Hal, Clark and Bruce had important business to attend to. Their attention was soon drawn to Artemis who was standing back against the wall.



Artemis: *Back against the wall.

M'gann: *Walks around the corner with a croissant on her plate.

Artemis: *Jumps in front of her* Rah.

M'gann. *Jumps* Stoooop. You could've made me drop my croissant.



Diana and Arthur were utterly confused. What was with these kids. Maybe they had be hit in the head to many times.

Oliver and Dinah were the next to fall victim to the Team's antics. They had had night watch so it was currently 5 in the morning. The Team had all slept at the mountain. That's when they noticed Kaldur leave his room.



Kaldur: *Leaves his room and gets to pots for the kitchen.

Dick: *Cuddling with Wally*

Wally: *Cuddling with Dick*

M'gann: *Sleep floating*

Connor: *Sleeping in his cupboard*

Artemis: *Is in a starfish pose on her bed. Half falling off.*

Kaldur: *Starts banging on the pots in front of their rooms* I NEVER GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YA'LL. YA'LL NEVER GONNA GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME.

Dick: *Yelps and falls of the bed bringing Wally with him*

Wally: *Lands on Dick*

M'gann: *Falls onto her bed*

Connor: *Falls out of his closet.*

Artemis: *Bolts up and flops of her bed*

Kaldur: *Stops banging the pots after hearing several thuds and lots of curseing.*

Dick: *Opens the door* What the hell man.

Kaldur: All's fair in Love, War and Alfred's cookies.

Dick: Touché. *Goes back into his room.



Ollie and Dinah stare at the screens. What the hell is wrong with these kids. It's 5 in the fucking morning. Go to fucking sleep.

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