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"I do want to apologize for that mix up," Robert said as he led Aston down an ornately paneles hallway into an office.

"What mix up?" Aston asked

Robert let the heavy door close then studied Aston for a moment. He had a feeling this wasn't going to be a very comfortable conversation. And he could think of only one subject that would warrant this type of formality from his host.

"Of having your father here without any warning,"


Robert stepped into the room, gesturing Aston toward a chair while he took the one behind the large desk, "Not all of our guests are as courteous as Aubrey about letting us know who they are bringing with them."

Aston felt the unease that had been simmering since he'd first caught sight of his father rise a little higher. Not for himself but —"I don't like the idea of him having access to Aubrey."

Robert offered an approving look, "We agree. Michaela will be watching over her until you return. I assure you, she's quite capable of handling men of his ilk," He grinned, "Aubrey can, too, though she's often polite to a fault."

He studied Aston for a minute more before he asked, "Does he know about the two of you?"


"That your relationship has become personal as well as professional?"

Aston wasn't sure he wanted to address that issue yet. Something had been bothering him since this conversation started.

"How did you know he was my father?" Aston asked, "that's not something I advertise."

"I don't blame you. He's not the kind of man I'd want to claim as a relation, either."

Aston met the other man's gaze in surprise. It wasn't often he had conversations with people who would admit to disliking his father as much as he did.

Robert explained, "I'm a very thorough man. I know a lot about you, Aston. I've kept you on my radar for a while. With your meteoritic rise on Savannah's business scene, it was inevitable we would do business with each other at some point. When your proposal came in, we had you investigated."

"Why?" But there was something Aston wanted to know more, "Actually, right now, I just want to know if my father has ever tried to do business with you."

Robert nodded, "He has attempted to work with us in the past. And, yes, I did investigate him just as thoroughly. But I didn't find the connection at that time."

He smiled at Aston, "I didn't need to investigate to see your relationship with Aubrey. It's all in her face, thigh she tries to hide it."

Aston could see it too, every time she looked at him. He was deeply worried his own feelings showed just as clearly, and he wasn't ready for that.

Robert leaned back in his chair causing it to creak. "As to why we investigate the personal backgrounds of potential associates, I like to know who were working with. Not just what you're capable of in a business arena, but who you are as a person. Unusual, but that's just how my wife and I like running out company. It works for us."

Aston wasn't sure how he felt about that. He could understand the concern, but the idea that his personal life had been scrutinized wasn't something he was comfortable acknowledging.

"Of course, we don't usually share that knowledge with our employees or contractors," Robert said, "but in this instance, I felt it was particularly important."

"Again, why?"

"Well, I doubt this will make you feel any better about my snooping, but we happen to have taken a special interest in Aubrey Johnson."

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