Chapter 3

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Hannah's POV:
Chad begins to drive away from the group home and Lisa is in the front seat, Lisa turns on the radio and turns around to face me "do you like music Hannah?" I nod and she asks "what's your favorite kind?"     "Umm I don't know, I guess pop, or what ever is on the radio" She smiles at me and turns back to face forward. "Chad and I are actually both in bands for our jobs, Chad's band does rock music and my band does pop, but I won't make you listen to our music, it might bore you haha"
The car pulls into a driveway so I guess this is their house. Lisa gets out and opens my door and reaches out her hand for mine, she leads me into the house while Chad carries my bags in. "I'm going to put your bags in your room Hannah" Chad says as he walks up stairs. Lisa is still holding my hand as she looks down at me and says "come with me I'll give you a tour so you know where everything is". She shows me the kitchen, dining room, living room, and then we walk into a room with a camera and lights set up and a back drop hung "I know this is an odd room in the house but this is where my sisters and I record videos for our band, soon you'll meet my sisters, they are really excited to meet you but I told them to give you some time to settle in before my crazy family overwhelm you haha" We walk up the stairs and there is just one hallway with rooms on both sides, as we walk down she shows me what each room is, first is their recording studio/ office "Chad and I work in here and my sisters and I record our YouTube covers here so they will be at the house a lot" next is a guest bathroom, then a guest room, she skips one room and goes into the one at the very end of the hallway first, "this is Chad and I's room" Chad pops his head out from the bathroom and waves before going back in. "If you ever need us or need anything you can come in and get us, our door is always open for you to come in and be with us for whatever you need" Lisa smiles at me as she let's go of my hand and puts both of her hands on my shoulders and she leads me to the room we skipped "and last room is your room" she says with excitement. She opens the door and leads me in, the room is really nice. It has a big bed with a white comforter and a big fluffy light pink blanket on it. It's also nicely decorated, it's girly but not too girly. There is also a bathroom connected to the room which is nice. I see Chad put my bags down in the closet. Lisa turns to me and says "do you like it?!? We can totally re decorate if it isn't your style, and we didn't fully decorate it yet so that we could go together and pick things out with you" "No it's fine the way it is, I like it thank you". Lisa smiles and walks up to me and gives me a big hug, I wasn't expecting her to hug me so soon, at first I was scared from past home experiences but Lisa seems different and I feel safe with her so I hugged her back. Chad comes in and smiles at us "I hope you like your room Hannah, I'm going to do some work in the office if you need me" Lisa sits on the bed and motions for me to sit next to her so I do, she smiles at me and we sit a little longer in silence till Lisa says "how are you doing? I know this can be a lot to take in and process all at once, just know if you ever want to talk about anything we're here for you, you can always come to us" I'm quiet at first, I don't know what to say, if I'm honest I am overwhelmed and scared, I've had 7 other placements but it never gets easier and I've had some pretty bad past experiences, but I could never tell her that, she would take me back because she can't handle me. I got lost in my thoughts and didn't realize I was taking too long to respond, Lisa grabbed my hands and looks at me concerned "Hannah? Are you ok?" I look up at her and put on a mask, "ya sorry I got distracted, I'm ok" "Alright, just know I'm here for you if you want to talk about anything, ohh and I forgot" she reached into the night stand and pulled out a journal and a pen set "these are for you, I journaled a lot growing up and still do, it might help if you don't want to talk to me at first, you could write down what your thinking or feeling, this is completely yours and we won't ever read it" "Thanks I'll try to write in it sometime". She smiled at me as she put it back in the draw. "Do you want some time alone to rest? Or can I help you unpack?" "Can you help me unpack?" "Ya! No problem sweetie!"

We were almost done when Chad knocked on the door as he poked his head in, when we turned to look at him he said "pizza is here and ready downstairs, are you guys almost done unpacking? I can wait".  "It's ok we can finish unpacking tomorrow" Lisa responds then turns to me and asks "do you like pizza Hannah? We can make you something else if you don't".  "Pizza is ok thanks though" we walk downstairs together and Chad says to Lisa "hey we should eat on the couch and watch a movie together"   "Ya that's a good idea" We all get our food and walked to the couch, I decided to sit next to Lisa because I've gotten more comfortable with her by spending time with her, and I'm still weary of Chad, my past Foster dads were really mean so I'm kind of scared.

Lisa POV:
Hannah sits next to me and I take notice that she is avoiding Chad almost as if she's scared of him, if it stays like this I might need to ask her about it, but right now I want her to feel as comfortable as she can. I'm also happy she is trusting me a little more and that we're getting closer, so I'm not too upset she chose to sit next to me, hopefully Chad doesn't get jealous haha. Chad picked a Disney movie for us to watch, and we ate our dinner while watching the movie. A little into the movie I got cold and I look over at Hannah and wonder if she is cold too, she's so skinny and little she has to be cold too so I whisper to her "I'm a little cold, are you cold too? I can get us a blanket?" She nods so I go grab a big blanket for us to share, I put it over the both of us and take this as my chance to put my arms around Hannah. She cuddled into me and it made my heart so happy. I look over at Chad and we both smile at each other. This is a good sign that she is slowly trusting us, I hope that she knows we mean it when we say we're here for her, and I hope she knows how much we love and care about her. After awhile she fell asleep in my arms with her head leaning on my chest. When the movie was over I put my finger to my mouth to warn Chad she had fallen asleep. He got up quietly and leaned in to kiss my forehead before he gently picked up Hannah off of me to carry her to bed. When we got to her room I pulled back the covers on the bed as Chad placed her gently on the bed. Once she's on the bed I pulled the covers over her and lightly tucked her in. I pushed the hair in her face behind her ear with my fingers and gently kiss her forehead "goodnight sweet girl" I whisper to her. I get up and turn off her light as I walk to Chad standing in the door way. He wraps his arms around me and we both stand there a little longer just watching our daughter sleep so peacefully. We quietly walk out and close her door behind us as we go to our room to get ready for bed ourselves. I think to my self how yesterday that room was empty, but now our sweet little girl was sleeping peacefully in it, I'm so happy to finally have a daughter.

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