Chapter 17

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Lisa POV:
I woke up and got ready for the day, I walked by Hannah's room and heard her up and getting ready so I guess she's feeling better today. She seemed off yesterday. I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone. Hannah walked down and sat down and didn't say anything. I handed her breakfast to her and she muttered she wasn't hungry. "Oh, are you still not feeling ok? Do you want something else?" I asked her. "I'm ok, just not hungry" I walked over to her and put my hand to her forehead to check for a fever. "Umm you feel fine but it's not like you to not eat breakfast, can I make you something else, you need to eat something" "Can I just get a granola bar, I'm sorry" "That's ok baby of course you can, I'm just worried about you" "I'm fine, can we go now?" "Ya let me go grab my keys and I'll take you to school". I drove Hannah to school and dropped her off, then I headed back home to work on some editing. When I got home Chad was already working in our office. "Hey Lise, are you working in here today?" "Ya I'm working on editing today, actually do you have time to talk?" "Uh oh what did I do this time?" Chad asked in a teasing tone. "You're not in trouble, it's about Hannah, I'm worried about her" "Why she seems to be less scared and more comfortable around us, she hasn't had a nightmare for awhile, are you worried about her shoulder?" "No, well I think it's healing ok, I'm talking about yesterday, she seemed off, I think she faked being sick but when she got home she was quiet and wouldn't come out of her room, and today she was quiet again and wouldn't eat breakfast" "Maybe she actually is sick and doesn't want to tell us, and that's why she's been off, maybe she's actually not feeling well" "Ya you're probably right, but please keep a close eye on her, I'm worried" "Of course Lise".

Hannah POV:
School has been going ok so far today. Kendra has left me alone most of the morning, other than the occasional eye roll. Our morning class just ended and now we have P.E. except I can't play any games because of my arm and shoulder, so I just sit on the sidelines. I was walking over to the bleachers when Kendra came up behind me and pushed me to the ground. I fell a little on my cast and my arm hurts but I think it's ok. Lauren came running over to me and helped me get up. "Are you ok?!?" "Ya I think so, I hate her and how she always gets away with stuff like this" "Umm well maybe not this time" "What?? What do you mean". Lauren didn't say anything but just pointed to our coach who saw the whole thing and is currently sending Kendra to the principals office. She then walked over to Lauren and I. "Hannah are you ok?" "Ya I'm fine" "Did you fall on your arm, is it in any pain?" "No I think it's ok" "Hmmm ok but I'm still sending you to the nurses office to be safe" "What!? No it's fine, I'm fine" "That might be true but I'm still sending you to the nurses office, if you're fine she'll send you back" "Fine". I went to the nurses office and explained to her that I fell and our coach told me to come to be safe. She looked at my arm and asked me questions about what hurt and what didn't. While she was looking at it she got a call from our principal. I was really nervous while they were talking, I know she was talking about me because the first thing she said was 'yes she's here with me', referring to me. After she got off the phone she finished looking at my arm and told me she needed to call Lisa to let her know so she could decide if she wanted to take me to the doctor or not.  "What!?! Why? I'm fine, I promise, it doesn't hurt at all I swear"      "Hannah it's ok, you're not in trouble we just need to let her know"      "Fine"

Lisa POV:
I'm working on our video in our office when my phone starts ringing I check it and see that it's Hannah's school, I answered immediately expecting it to be Hannah sick in the nurses office but instead it's her principal. My heart is racing I'm worried she's did something and got in trouble. Her principal tells me that a girl named Kendra pushed her on purpose and that the nurse is looking at her arm. Before I can ask any questions the call is interrupted by an incoming call from the school nurse, I answer and the nurse tells me she fell and seems ok but might need to get it cleared from a doctor, I tell her I'm coming right away to pick up Hannah and hang up. Chad is looking over confused only hearing what I'm saying on the phone. I tell him some girl pushed her. "Hey do you remember who that girl was at the soccer game? Do you remember her name?"    "Uhhh not really, maybe it started with a k?"      "Kendra?"    "Yes thats her"      "Well that same girl just pushed Hannah to the ground again, and this time on purpose, I think she's bullying Hannah, I have to go to the school they are worried she fell on her arm, I'm going to take her to the doctor"      "Do you want me to come with you, I can finish my work later?"     "No that's ok I don't mind going alone, besides maybe if it's just the two of us she will tell me what's going on"      "Alright call me if you need anything, drive safe I love you"       "Love you too".

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