Never Wanna Lose You

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Never Wanna Lose You

"Carry on my wayward son

For there'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more."

Sam never thought anything could compare to the pain of losing Jessica, the love of his life.

That was, until he lost Dean.

Dean slumped against the wall, the three bullet holes in his chest leaking blood.

Sam paid no attention to Becky as she untied the ropes that restrained him or the man in the doorway that had fired the gun. All he could focus on was his brother.

As soon as the ropes fell away from his hands, he crawled towards his brother, gripping the collar of Dean's shirt.

"Dean," Sam gasped, 'cause oh god, he can't breathe, Dean's dying and he can't breathe!

The light was slowly fading from Dean's eyes as he raised his blood-covered hand and stroked Sam's cheek. Sam shivered at the warm substance that was now coating one side of his face.

"Sammy," Dean wheezed and his blood-covered Sam's cheek, "Sa..."

Dean's eyes glazed over and his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

And Sam broke.

Deep, ugly sobs tore loose from his chest and despair wrapped itself around his throat and began to squeeze. He clutched his brother's body closer to him and Dean's blood (Oh god, Dean bled out in Sam's arms) began to stain his shirt. Painful agony filled his body, making his bones ache and his heart bleed.

The tears that cause his eyes to burn were insignificant to the pain of losing his big brother. He could already see the years ahead of him. The lack of sleep, the self-loathing, the trauma that would follow him for the rest of his life. The time he would be forced to spend without his big brother, his anchor, by his side.

That is, if he even made it past tonight.

He wasn't aware of Becky rubbing his back or how the man in the doorway (the man who shot Dean) tried to get his attention, tried to pull him off of Dean's body. With a cry that sounded like a wounded animal, he threw himself over his brother, wailing, "Don't make me leave him!"

Whoever was trying to make him leave his brother stopped and Sam continued sobbing, "I'm so sorry, De'. I love you, I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me alone, not you too." He hated the fact that he was alone again, after learning that his brother didn't hate him for leaving to go study at Stanford, he was thrilled. He was excited to rebuild his relationship with his brother, to be the way they were before.

And now it could never happen.

He didn't hear someone's gutted gasp behind him as someone else silently cried with him. Police sirens wailed outside the building and armed officers stormed into the room, taking the scene in front of them in with a stride.

No one noticed the mystery man from earlier was now gone.

The Police are strong, even though they tried to be gentle, as they pulled Sam away from Dean's corpse. Sam pulled himself out of the Officers grip and tore Dean's jacket and necklace off of his body (not his corpse not his corpse because Dean can't be dead he can't be he wouldn't leave Sam alone he wouldn't.)

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