Chapter 12

614 13 141

TW: Mention's of abuse, death, swears, my social awkwardness

I'm currently listening to Heathers for the first time and I ust needed to write this... HAVE FUN...big fun....heehee sorry had too


3rd person POV

John slowly woke up to the sound of a woman sobbing. "I l-love my dead gay son!" John's mom cried, burying her face into the side of John's coffin. "But I'm not dead." John said in bewilderment. "Shut up John"

''Sorry, mom'' John snapped, as his mother suddenly jumped up to face his little sister Martha, who was walking towards them. "MARTHA DUMPTRUCK IN THE FLESH-" His mom screeched "HERE COMES THE COOTIE SQUAD" His father interrupted as Laf burst through the doors with Herc hot on his tail. "LOOK WHO'S WITH HER- OH MY GOD!" Mrs. Laurens yelled, staring in shock at Martha. John turned to be met by Alex wearing an odd outfit that consisted of a pleated plaid skirt, a white blouse, and a matching jacket. Alex winked at him, then proceeded to link arms with the people around him.''Dang, dang, diggity-dang-a- dang! Dang, dang, diggity-dang-a-dang!" Everybody screamed, forming a giant kick line

''John!" Alex cried, shaking John's shoulders, "John wake up!''

"Huh...what happened? Where did the kickline go..?"

"John, you were dreaming. I got worried. You were twitching a lot and kept saying dang dang diggity dang dang...

" You looked hot in a skirt Alex''. John giggled as he drifted back to sleep. Alex was confused at his boyfriends odd antics but nevertheless, went slightly red at the comment. He sighed to himself, gently kissed John's forehead and crawled back under the blankets, snuggling into his boyfriend. It was only a matter of minutes before Alex fell into a peaceful sleep.

sLeEp?!?! aLeX?!?!?!

Peggy's POV

I share a quick look of worry with Elza before we both drop our bags and sprint back over to the door. I skid to a stop in front Angelica as Eliza stops slightly more gracefully. ''What's wrong Angie?" Eliza asks, concerned. ''I-see for yourself." Angelica said, stepping aside to reveal Mariah Lewis. Mariah Lewis. Only the girl who I have a massive crush on. Shit, I'm red. After a closer look at Mariah, I quickly realize with a gasp that she's covered in bruises and crying. "Mariah! What happened?!'' I cry, running over to her and engulfing her in a gentle hug. "I-Its James. My boyfriend's doin' me wrong, beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me, I don't have the means to go on!" She sobs into my shoulder. "Whenever I try to break up with him, he hits me!"

"Shh, shhh, it'll be ok."


"We're going to help you! Angie call Alex!" I say quickly. She nods and quickly pulls out her phone and dials his number. "He'll be here in five." She says after a minute. At this point, Angelica's mom mode is on the verge of turning on. There it goes. "Mariah, come! Eliza, grab the first aid kit! Peggy, get Mariah some water and a snack" Angelica commands. After I prepare a plate with some cheese and crackers, I bring it into the bathroom with a glass of water. I look around and quickly realize how chaotic the bathroom is. Angelica is scurrying around, grabbing stuff and muttering things underneath her breath. Eliza is hurriedly disinfecting and putting bandages on Mariah's injuries, with a look of immense fear in her eyes. She has the open first aid kit sitting next to her, with various bandaids and medical supplies scattered all over the place. From a distance, I hear a door slam and Alex runs into the room, panting. "I-I ran here" He says, exhausted. "What happened? Angelica just said it was an emergency?" He looked up and his eyes fell onto Mariah.

Mariah's POV

I looked up to see Alex looking down at me with a look of horror on his face. "Wait, why is Alex here? No offense, it just seems kinda random...?" Eliza questions. It may seem odd but Alexand I actually bonded a lot over being called a whore or in ALex's case whore's son. A while back, James spread a bunch of rumors about me cheating on him and people called me a whore from then on. Alex didn't like to talk about his past much, but he knew what it felt like, so he stood up for me. We had a close bond. Platonic, of course. I'm gay as fuck, I woulld have broken up with Reynolds long ago if he wasn't to put this lightly...Abusive.

"Oh Alex and I have a few writing classes together, I'm doing them to improve my songwriting skills" I sniff. Alex is still staring at me in shock. "Mariah, what happened!!???" He finally blurts out.

"I-I tried to break up with Reynolds..."

"I have some calls to make" Alex says, with a disturbing lack of expression in his voice and face. He steps out of the room and we all look at each other in bewilderment and shrug. That's Alex for you. I attempt to make some small talk with Peggy without blushing madly. I failed... What?! It's hard, ok? She's just really amazing. After about 10 minutes, Alex walks back into the room. "Mariah, on Monday, we have a writing class with Reynolds that Washington is teaching. Break up with him at exactly 12:00. Herc and Laf will be outside ready to come in if he tries to hurt you. Obviously, Washington will also be there. He's filed a restraining order, but I need some photos of the injuries and the story from you and the schuyler's point of view." Alex says quickly, looking me in the eyes with a grim face. I nod quickly and allowed him to take the photos.

"Mariah, listen to me," Alex says, taking my shoulders. "Everything's going to be ok."

Sorry, for the late night update.



1050 words! New longest!!


I changed a few things about Eliza in the overviews

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