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chapter 01: the secret

victoria and richie used to be best friends all throughout elementary school and middle school. 

key words: used to.

they had that sibling bond, one that could never break. 

or so they thought.

they first met at the local town park. victoria had just ran away from her house because of her parents loud, obnoxious fighting. richie only left because he was bored and there was nothing to do. they both connected with each other based on the fact that both their parents ignored them and pretended they didn't exist. they seemed to stick together like glue after that encounter. the distance started to grow as soon as they went into middle school. most children would say it's because you find new friends groups, others moving schools. but for victoria and richie, it was more complicated than that. but, one memory seemed to stand out from all the rest, the one secret that had both their worlds crashing down.

they were on top of richie's house, on the roof, gazing up at the stars. sitting beside each other in peaceful silence, an air of comfort around them, protecting them from the outside world. maybe she shouldn't have told him to begin with, i mean, you know what they say.

ignorance is bliss.

but she decided too anyway against her better judgement. they made a pact to never keeps secrets from each other. if they did, the person would have to punch henry in the face. and even as a young kid, henry bowers was someone you didn't want to mess with, ever.

"hey, richie?"

"yeah, tori?"

victoria seemed to hesitate in saying the next line.

"can i tell you a secret, just between us?"

"sure, but i already know what it's about."

"y-you do?" she stuttered.

"oh yeah, everyone knows. i mean, who wouldn't have the hots for me? i'm just so damn irresistible, like c'mon-" richie bragged.

victoria face palmed, her hands becoming slightly sweatier the more she dragged this on.

"no, um.. richie, i'm a masochist." said victoria awkwardly.

"what's that? oh i know! it's like another word for lesbian! aww i didn't know my little vicky was crushing on girls. who is it? oh, maybe it's greta-" he started rambling on.

"ok. one, ew, greta is a nasty bitch. second, no, not even close." she took a deep breath "a masochist is someone who feels sexual pleasure from being hurt."

richie tozier stared open mouthed. his thick-rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, wearing his famous pineapple hawaiian shirt that hasn't been washed in weeks because of the neglect from doing the laundry. he couldn't believe his ears.

what kind of sick fuck was she?

all he could feel was disgust, it was oozing out of him. she was staring expectantly at him, waiting for a response as to what she had just revealed.

"w-what?" he breathed out in shock.

"you heard me."

his face started contorting as if he was looking at the most vile creature known to man.

"you disgust me. what kind of pathetic pervert are you!? i think i just caught something because i've been in close-contact with you." he started dry heaving "i mean who does that? i hope you're going to be forever alone because you don't deserve anyone. you're just a sick, little freak!"

richie pushed victoria off the roof of his house. as she went tumbling down tear seemed to well up in her eyes. finally reaching the ground, the silent night was filled with a sickening crack of her nose. it seemed as though the stabbing pain of her heart overpowered the please she felt from her nose breaking. teary-eyed and sobbing, tori quickly got up and made a dash towards her bike. as she was pedaling away with blood dripping down her face, the satisfying taste of metallic filling her mouth, she could hear richie tozier scream from the rooftop.


she started to pedal faster, riding away into the distance to the destination of her house. 

so, that was the story of how their friendship came to an end. she soon grew cold and icy, only a facade. deep down she knew she still cared for him, as a brother. but as soon as high school hit he started spreading nasty rumors about how she was a slut and a prostitute giving blow-jobs for 5 bucks a pop. yet, never once exposing her. she had hoped that the reason behind this was that there was still a sliver of chance that they'd be able to rekindle their friendship. when i reality, he was just keeping to himself to use at the perfect time against her.

the perfect blackmail.

when they'd past each other in the hallways he wouldn't spare a second glance. too busy animatedly talking to stan, eddie, and bill. she would envy their friendship, still remembering the days where it'd just be victoria & richie against the world. ever since he started those rumors, no one would want to talk to her. afraid they'd catch an std like beverly marsh. yet, after all the horrible things richie has done to her, she'd take their friendship back in a heartbeat. that's why on the last day of school, she saw him and his friends getting bullied by none other than henry bowers and his gang. she decided she would finally have a chance on getting to do something not many people said they could do. and that was to stand up to henry bowers.

boy that was a mistake.

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