I'll protect you

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Temari groaned again, placing her hand on her forehead, and sat up slightly, only to be a little dizzy. Her head throbbed uncomfortably, making her head like a fog; she couldn't quite recall exactly what had happened… She pushed off the light blanket that was covering her body, she felt extremely hot; not a comfortable hot either; it was an uncomfortable burning sensation from the inside out.

"How are you feeling?" Sakura was immediately by her side. She removed Temari's hand in order to test the warmth of her body. She was a bit surprised to feel that Temari was quite warm; above normal levels.

Temari thought for a moment, trying to summon up the right word for her situation, "…nauseated." She said after some silence. Was that the right word to use? She thought so, "…and hot." Naruto popped up behind Sakura, his blue orbs looking down at Temari with vivid concern.

"Is she all right, Sakura-chan?" He asked, peering down at Temari curiously; like a child. Temari almost smiled through her condition, the genuine concern on his face was a bit…what was the word for it? Temari couldn't pull it out because her head gave a particularly nasty throb.

Temari moaned and leaned down, "This is going to be a long day…"

Tsunade groaned as she looked at her desk cluttered with papers. "Damn you Kakashi!" She hissed out to the empty room. Kakashi's request involved just as much paperwork as her normal duties. "Fuck this—"

"Tsunade-same…" Shizune's voice warned, from behind. There was the sound of a fist hitting a palm, and Shizune's face was dark and her eyes red as she came up behind Tsunade.

Tsunade sweatdropped nervously.

After an hour and a half, Temari was now able to stand up for short intervals without feeling dizzy. However, her head still throbbed and her body still felt heated. She had downed quite a few glasses of water in an attempt to cool down, but nothing was working thus far; so she had begun avoiding all contact with the other members of the group, they didn't need to worry anymore about her condition than they already were.

Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi had been spending Temari's recovery time as planning and caring for the injured member, no matter how much she said she was okay. Temari coughed and pounded her chest lighting with her fist, and when she opened her eyes again after coughing, she noticed all focus on her. She resisted the urge to glare heatedly at them, and turned to the other side of the clearing.

They were wasting time here. The bandits were moving quickly, and they were stranded here, all because she was injured. She slammed her fist into the tree next to her, and she could almost feel each pair of eyes on her. She pulled her knuckles away from the tree trunk and cleaned off the splinters with a brush of her fingers. Small fragments of wood stuck up out of her skin; causing small pricks of pain in the said areas. She sighed and plucked out the annoying slivers, and turned towards the rest of the group.

"We have to get moving."

Tsunade snored loudly, head on the desk with her hair bedraggled. Papers were strewn across the desk's surface, books open on random pages, and some of the books had small markings and notes on the sides. Her breathing was slow and rhythmic; oblivious to the incoming danger.

"Tsunade-same…" A dangerous voice warned. Slowly Tsunade awoke with a groggy sigh; she turned to look at Shizune, who seemed to be more irritable than usual. Tsunade wiped the ink off of her cheek and gathered up papers and books. "Where are you going…?" The voice had lost its intimidation; and now it was just a casual curiosity bubbling from pale pink lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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