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The following morning Annabelle was wrapped in her coat and out the door, following George who was taking her into town to send Mr Shelby's files.

Grateful for leaving the house she smiled at George as he held the car door open for her.

"It's nice to get away isn't it?" He asked as he took off his cap and started up the car. It was one of the nicest cars she had ever been in.

"Yes definitely. I have a feeling Mr Shelby is purposely wanting me out of the way today" she sighed as she looked out of the window.

"You'll get use to him. Sometimes it's not so bad....he wasn't always like that"

Annabelle quickly looked at George, they where now pulling out of the house and she felt safer to ask her questions.

"What happened to him?" She whispered as if Mr Shelby was in the car with them.

George eager to please Annabelle took in a deep breath as he looked ahead.

"A lot really. From what I know Mr Shelby was betrayed by Miss Burgess"

Annabelle squinted as she thought about the blonde woman that betrayed Mr Shelby and how she was still proudly displayed on his stairs.

"What did she do?" She asked gently as she tried to ignore the voice in her head telling her to stop being so nosey.

George looked at her before quickly looking away as he questioned whether he should tell her or not. If Mr Shelby found out he had been gossiping he was pretty certain his head would roll.

"She betrayed him, she was working for the crown and she betrayed him. After a year she returned briefly in hopes....."

"Of him forgiving her?" She asked gently, her thoughts delving in awe of the possible love story.

George shook his head "No, in her getting pregnant. That's the rumour. Apparently her current husband was having issues...."

Annabelle scrunched her face in disgust and didn't quite know what to say to it all. Of course she had no way to know if this information was factual but it was certainly enough to break Mr Shelby's heart.

"How would Mr Shelby have known?" She asked as she gazed out of the window into open fields.

George let our a little uncomfortable laugh "The man knows everything Annabelle, everything"

Annabelle refused to look at him, it would only solidify what she knew about Mr Shelby already and she wasn't ready to believe it.

"What I really don't understand is how he can look at that painting of her?"

"It's probably a reminder. A reminder that not everyone is honest"

As she decided to not ask anymore questions she thought about the painting and how he would have to pass it every night. Mr Shelby was torturing himself for his momentarily lapse of trust and she didn't know whether to pity him or respect him.


Annabelle was quiet on the way back as she thought more about what George had said. After completing her errands she had promised George that she wouldn't breathe a word of what had been said between them. This was the first secret they would share.

As they pulled up to the house she smiled at him as he whisked around to open her door.

"Aren't you a perfect gentlemen?" She teased as she stepped out and felt the wind lift her hair away from her face.

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