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An hour later Annabelle peeled his heavy arm from her body and gently shuffled down the bed as she kept her eyes on him. It was hard to remove herself, especially when she realised how peaceful he looked but she knew that he would be embarrassed in the morning.

Once she was off the bed she quickly looked back and sighed. Annabelle knew it was the alcohol that had appeased him and not her but his touch still burned greatly in her chest.

Leaving the room as quietly as she could she realised that the sun was starting to rise outside, filtering its way onto the landing.


Waking with a jolt he sat up drenched in his sweat from the nightmares that had plagued him. Pushing himself up he surveyed his room and saw his suit jacket hanging over the chair.

Suddenly it came flooding back. Annabelle dragging him to his room, him kissing her, begging her to stay by his side and practically forcing her to sleep next to him. Looking at the side of his bed he could tell that she hadn't stayed.

Closing his eyes he swallowed the embarrassment and let it burn. Why had she left him? Was he also not enough for her?


Once he had thrown his clothes on and made himself presentable he decided to find her, the frenzy of thoughts in his brain would only be settled once he saw her.

As soon as he started on the stairs he saw George walking in the front door

"Where's Miss Thorn?" He demanded

George looked up and sighed "Outside tending to Mary's garden sir"

Tommy was satisfied with the information and nodded to George

"Be warned sir she's not in a very good mood"

"What makes you think that?" He asked once he got to the bottom of the stairs. Taking extra care to put his coat on rather than show George he cared.

George scoffed before correcting himself "Miss Thorn doesn't want to say more than a few words sir"

Instantly he knew that his relief wasn't coming to come from her today. Eager to find out the cause of her frustration he left without a goodbye and turned right towards the garden that Mary had started a year ago.

With her back to him he could see that she was wrapped up to protect herself from the Autumn chill as she pulled the weeds.

Tommy watched as her gloved hands twisted around the offending plant and yanked it out of the soil. It wasn't lost on him that she was ridding the plant beds of the weeds.

"You should let George do this" he mumbled as he stood at the side of her

Yanking another weed out she replied hastily "I like doing it sir"

"Stop it with the sir" he snapped.

"I will not, sir" and she threw a weed down and began patting down the hole it made. Tommy could see that her nose was starting to turn pink from the cold and he wanted to get her inside before she got sick.

"Annabelle" he started but she was quick this time as she stood up, ripped off her gloves and threw them down at his feet.

Tommy watched curiously as she glared at him "You're purposely making my life difficult. I am trying to remain professional but you just can't leave it alone" and she turned from him and began making her way to the house.

Grabbing her hip he began to steer her towards the stables where they wouldn't be overheard by the other staff members he employed. Tommy was always careful to be private with her.

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