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(Becky's P.O.V)

As soon as Cody and I were in the elavator he pushed me up against the wall and stuck his tounge down my throat.

I tried pushing him away because now wasn't the time for snogging and Austin could be dead for all I know.

But I failed helplessly because Cody was stronger with me and had his body pressed up on mine.

I reached the end of my patience when he put his hand down my shirt to grope my boob.

I did what most girls would do when being touched without giving the person permission.

I bit his tounge and he yelped and bounced back letting me go and good timing too because that's when the elavator doors opened on the 13th Floor.

I walked out with Cody behind me with a sour look on his face but I don't care, it'd not time for games when Austin could be dead.

We reached the room number and I took a deep breath as I went to pull the door but my hand wouldn't pull it open.

I'm guessing I am too scared because I'm afraid Austin might be dead..

I felt Cody reach his hand out and grab the hand that wasn't clutching the door.

He leaned in close to me to whisper in my ear.

I'm sorry becky... I shouldn't have tried to force you to snog me when Austin could be dead.

I smiled slightly and told him that it was fine and all was forgiven which earned me a kiss on the cheek.

I got ready to open the door and took a deep breath and let it out when I opened the door.

The sight infront of me was tearful and deadly..

Sorry guys I'll try to update tommorow sorry this chapter is so short :c

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