Chapter 27 You're okay...

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Ayee I hope that you're happy that I am updating or I might just delete this chapter (;

So guyz a couple more chapters including the Epilogue (: I'm going to miss writing this but who knows maybe I'll do a sequel...

Would you want a sequel?

Or is my book too boring for a sequel..

Probably is too boring oh well lul.

(Austin's P.O.V)

As I layed there in silent unable to open my eyes cause ya know laziness, just kidding.

All I could feel was loneliness...

God I hate it in here UGH

I wish my eyes would open because I kinda miss seeing non blackness thank you very much.

Damn why did I have to be so reckless!

What in the world is wrong with myself...

Well everyone knows that I Austin Mahone is not a normal person nor acts like one.

I could hear voices but this voice I kinda reconized.

It was a girl's voice, a sweet one too.

It sounded sad and very broken which made me want to comfort her but then again I couldn't cause ya know.

I felt a chair move and a hand grasp mine interlocking our fingers together.

Her hand was really warm and soft.

It felt absolutely amazing...

(oops that sounded a bit weird)

Then the person started singing a song... her voice was absolutely amazing especially the lyrics and chorus.

That's when I realized that the person, the stranger, the unknown woman.. was my girl.

Becky Gomez.

I just layed there listening to her sing that beautiful voice of hers that I love and miss so much.

I long for it to say my name... yes that's how anxious I am to hear her.

Then the song stopped making me realize that she had finished singing.

With all my might I gently but firmly squeezed her hand.

And that's when things started getting better as I slowly opened my eyes.

We locked eyes and staring at her shocked face, with her mouth wide open (for my dick).


(Becky's P.O.V)

I froze and slowly looked down at me and Austin's linked fingers.

He actually squeezed my hand..

Pfft knew he was dead.

I started in shock not knowing what to do and that's when his damn eyes opened.

It was silent with my mouth still open probably catching flies and my eyes still shocked.

Austin slowly sat up wincing as a bit of pain entered through him.

(Shit that sounded wrong also)

(Okay just ignore this he's not having pain from buttsex I promise you!)

That's when I snapped out of my shocked phase and entered worry mode.

HEY HEY HEY DON'T SIT UP YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF LAY DOWN AND REST! I screamed pushing him back down on the bed.

He looked at me with awe and amusement.

Since when did you get so strong, he chuckled.

That's what I was wondering too, I replied.

He tried sitting up again and as I went to stop him he grabbed both of my wrists pulling me under him pinning me to the bed.

He twisted around having my arms pinned above my head as he stared into my eyes with such love and passion.

That's when I realized he was between my legs.

(I'm so dirty omg)

He was smirking down at me and I smirked back as good as I could.

I missed you... he whispered.

I missed you too I whispered back.

I guess we both missed eachother he chuckled.

I guess so I replied with a smile.

Then I noticed our faces getting closer and closer to eachother.

I could literally feel his nose air on my face.

He had me in a daze where all I could think of is him and how much I wanted to kiss him.

He just stared at me making me get impatient.

He also still had a little smirk on his face like he could read my mind.

So I decided to make the first move since he was too chicken to cluck it up.

I raised my head a bit too fast and bam! Our noses kinda fucked right there.

He got off of me holding his nose that was sadly in pain and so was mine.

He glanced at my red embarrassed face and bursted out laughing.

Thats when I punched him.

Naa just kidding

I kinda stood up and pulled him close and kissed him RIGHT ON THE lips.


The Almost Kiss |Becstin|Where stories live. Discover now