Chater two: opening tour date

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18th December 2011

by the time the boys came on stage and began singing Na Na Na, me and Poppy wasn't done screaming until the chorus came.

"WE'RE LIKE NA NA NA, THEN WE'RE LIKE YEAH YEAH YEAH, ALWAYS LIKE NA NA NA!!" the whole crowd screams while the boys sing, poppy and i stand dancing, jumping up and down happily.
i don't know how, but soon enough the song ended... stand up then came on and they began to perform it, ironically i sat down instead of standing up. i sat in my chair and huffed crossing my arms over my chest, i wasn't really a big fan of this song. and it clearly showed. "come onnn dance with me!" poppy tugged on my arm and i shook my head "nah, you know i don't like this one" i told her.

after sipping on my drink i look up at the stage to see harry stood above me looking at me while he sang, he then smirked and mimicked my actions by crossing his arms over his chest and pouting making me laugh softly making him grin.

"i won't be leavin' till i finish stealing every piece of your heart.. every piece of your heart" harry sung pointing at me then rested his hands on his chest. my stomach fluttered as he bounced away and changed positions with liam on stage. did harry notice me?? i don't know.

a few songs into the show the boys sat down on the couch in the middle of the stage and did a talk, poppy as i took this opportunity to take pictures on our cameras of them. i'm using the camera harry signed last year for me, which was insanely adorable of him.
i finished snapping pictures of niall and turned the camera to harry to already see him looking at me. he smiled for the camera and put his thumbs up. my heart fluttered, he was staring at me. i smiled widely as i removed the camera from my face. and put it in my pocket again as i stood and listened to the boys talk. harry and i seemed to get lost into each other's eyes, i snapped my gaze away from him when i heard niall sing

"my hearts a stereo it beauts for you so listen close..."

i turned my attention back to harry who was seated next to zayn and they was talking, i swayed listening to niall's beautiful voice singing Stereo Hearts. zayn looked over in my direction then looked back at harry and nodded with a grin.
i looked away from them both and watched louis fucking around with liam on stage making me giggle.

after they all sang a little cover, they them began to chill things out and sung moments
"Shut the door
Turn the light off
If I wanna be with you
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this
Even though I try
Heartbeats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face, yeahhhhh" liam sung so softly as poppy and i swayed together, arms wrapped around each other and sung alone with tears in our eyes

"If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back tiiiiiimmmeeeee" harry sang softly yet powerfully as all the boys chorused together to sing the chorus. they made all the fans sing with them as we all held flash lights in the air and swayed around. the majority of the fans was crying.

niall stepped forward to sing his solo making me scream loudly and him laugh softly "Close the door
Throw the key
Don't wanna be reminded
Don't wanna be seen
Don't wanna be without youuuu..." he pointed to us all, all the fans making us all go wild and clap
"My judgement's clouded
Like tonight's sky"

"aaahhhhhhhh ahhhhh" the boys harmonised together.
when louis stepped forward that's when i lost my shit "HOLY HELL LOUUUIIIISSSSSS!!!" i scream like a crazed fan, then i started off everyone cheering or him. he smiled so widely and beautifully, i think he was getting a bit shy at the fact everyone was screaming for him and ONLY him.. but he deserved it because, wow. he was amazing. he is amazing. he laughed nervously which stopped him from singing... the fans immediately had his back as we all sang the rest of his part together making him clap for us all.

they sang the chorus and i started crying as it came up to zayn's part, he walked around the stage singing it so effortlessly and beautifully. i cried harder and fanned under my eyes as the song came to the last two choruses, which was slowed down and you could only hear the sound of their voices, no instruments or music.

i look up at harry and he was already looking at me as he sang "what's wrong??" he asked, moving the microphone away from his mouth.
i shook my head smiling "nothing" i mouthed back at him making him smile and nod "okay" he mouthed back and continued to sing.

"i think it's official, harry styles is in love with you" she said as the boys prepared themselves for the next song
"oh please" i laugh rolling my eyes "he doesn't even remember me!"

"yes he does!" she stated rolling her eyes too, to mimic me.. i think "he's met you like two or three times already. he'd be stupid to not remember a pretty face like yours. and anyway— even if he doesn't remember you. he's still going out of his way to interact with you tonight, i've seen all the looks he's been giving you" she told me shouting over louis as he was talking to the fans

"oi, i hope you're listening to me young ladies" i heard louis say "holy shit" poppy said looking up at the stage. ummm— did i mention we was front row??

"yeah of course louis!!" poppy shouted back making him laugh "no you wasn't you was chatting to your friend!" he giggled making the boys cackle. i looked up and all the boys was looking at us.
"we was talking about how good you look louis!" she shouted back making the crowd laugh. i slapped my forehead and shook my head holding my hand on my forehead. the boys laughed at her reply. i look up at louis and shook my head "we really wasn't"

"yeah why would they be talking about that.. you don't look good. you need a change of trousers" zayn burned louis making the crowd laugh "you know what, zayn?" louis turned around to zayn smiling "i find that a little bit disrespectful if i'm being honest" he teased making the crowd cry with laughter. louis was definitely the front joke man of the group. and it really shows. he's bloody hilarious and he doesn't even mean to be.

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