Chapter Two

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I grabbed my laptop the side of the cuboard, starting it up.

"We should hold a competition for singers if they want to join the band!" I voiced my thoughts out loud, looking up at them again. "I know he can't be replaced, but we promised him we'd keep it going,"

They all nodded, as Leo started to get out paper and his art pencils.

"Matt, did you want to help me sketch out some posters?" Leo asked.

Matt pursed his lips slightly, then nodded, going over to help Leo. "Sure,"

"We could hold it here, tomorrow afternoon around five." I suggested.

Danny nodded, then bit the inside of his lip in thought. "Shouldn't we put an age limit or something on this? I don't want a seventy year old singing..."

I shuddered playfully, which made him grin a little. "Yeah, urm how about anyone from seventeen to twenty five?"

He nodded in agreement.


"Right. I have the basic sketches almost drawn up - what do you think?" Leo held up a sheet of paper with a microphone in the middle, and musical notes around it.

"It looks awesome, Leo," Matt piped up first. Dan gave him a thumbs up, and I nodded.

"Right. I have one too! It's just the picture I made at the minute," I turned my laptop around so they could see the guitar standing against a musical wall.

"Nice," Dan commented, as Leo and Matt nodded in agreement.

I smiled a little. "Thanks,"


I crept inside my house, hoping to wake my sleeping mother on the sofa, and went to find my baby brother.

"Joey, where are you mate?" I asked.

"Gah!" A baby voice said from the corridor.

I smiled, going to him as he sat on the floor in his nappy and dinosaur t-shirt, a spoon in his hand.

"Are you being nice to that spoon?" I asked him.

He put the spoon in his mouth, teething on it. I picked him up, resting him on my hip as I looked at him.

"Now Joey, you have toys to eat. This is mummy's cooking spoon,"

I didn't take it off him though, it was making him happy enough to keep him quiet. I took him into the kitchen to feed him some baby food, then started cleaning up the kitchen.

"Pineapple and banana? Do you like that Joey?" I asked him, half in disbelief, throwing the empty jar in the bin. "Personally that sounds icky to me."

He giggled happily, which made me smile.

"Evey, Is that you hunny?" Mum asked, coming into the kitchen.

"Yeah, just me and Joey. I've fed him and cleaned up, if you want to go back to sleep. I can look after him," I smiled at her, picking Joey up once more before taking him to my room.

"Thank you, sweetheart. You're an angel," Mum mumbled, going back to lie down on the sofa.

"Right, I think Joey needs to sleep for a bit, eh mate?"

He yawned on cue, his nose scrunching up like a little piggy.

I giggled a little, picking him up and letting him sleep on my bed for a few hours.

Right. Now time for some coursework, oh the joy (sense the sarcasm).

I got my books out and started.


We had stuck our posters up around the city, telling them tomorrow we were holding a singing competition to be in our band in our house.

Now we sat down with our cups of coffee, or in Leo's case, a hot chocolate as we rested.

"Surprisingly big town," Dan commented, now raiding the fridge for food.

"You can say that again," I sighed.

"Surprisingly big town," Matt repeated, grinning cheekily at me.

I scowled playfully at him. "Really, Matty?"

"Yup," He nodded, chuckling.

"I just want to sleep," Leo groaned, plopping down next to me on the sofa.

"Well go on then, lazy," Dan smirked through a sandwich.

Leo huffed, standing up dramatically. "Fine, I will!" He stomped off towards my room.

"Wrong way!" I called.

He turned around, now going the right way towards his own room. "I knew that!"

"Sure you did, Leonardo!" I called back, using his full name against him.

His head poked out the door. "That is cruel. Take that back... Or else..." He moved his hands about mysteriously.

I stood up, folding my arms. "Or else what, Leonardo?"

Matt and Dan were watching Leo intently, as I smirked.

"I'll get Angel on you, Nathan,"

I covered my ears. "Ugh, evil name! What?! No! Don't get Dan's little sister on me, what did I do to you to deserve that torture?!"

Leo grinned. "Night, Nate!"

"Rawr I win!" I did a little happy dance.

"Naw, you guys are like a married couple." Dan teased.

I threw a cushion at him, which he dodged. "Ha ha! Ninja!" He waved his arms around a little, before getting hit with another pillow and ending up on the floor.

Matt was now on the floor too, but from laughter. "Danny got ninja owned!"

I chuckled. "And that is what happens when you mess with my awesomene- ow! Why throw a pillow back at me?!"

"Because I'm a better ninja than you!" He shouted, running like a mad man to his room and locking the door.

"We sleep in the same room you dick!" I teased him.

"Oops," He chuckled, opening the door again for Matt and me.

"You better let us in," Matt said jokingly. "I'll get my bodyguard on you..."

"And who is that?"

"Leo." He said proudly.


"No. But you're gullible."

I rolled my eyes, not being able to keep the grin off my face.


Hey again! :D

I know this is shorter than the last chapter, but I uploaded! So ha! ;D

Picture to the side is Nate's idea :)

Spoiler: the competition ;)

urmm shoutouts anyone?

Comment, vote and love this story! :D Tell all your ninja buddies! Tehehe


Five comments for chapter three upload ;) So if you want the next chapter, comment! :D Haha

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