Chapter 2

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I got to my locker and opened it and put my other binders in it. As I was closing up my bag, a girl came up to me.

"Hey. You're new here?" she asked
"Yeah. I'm Elizabeth, you?" I asked
"Jade. So I couldn't help but notice that you were talking to Zac." she said
"Oh yeah, what about him?" I asked
"Well, how do you know him?" she asked
"We just met in the office." I answered
"Oh, well, you should stay away from him." she said
"What? Why?" I asked
"He's bad news." she said all serious
"But he seems like a decent guy." I said
"Yeah, at first. But trust me on this, you don't want to be near him. If you want to know more, find me after school." she said then left. I closed my locker at the sound of the bell and headed for my homeroom: fucking history. I walked through the hall looking for my classroom as people started to crowd the hall. I managed to make it to my classroom but I was two minutes late so I took a deep breath and opened the door.

'Okay, class can I have your attention?' the teacher said as I walked in. I didn't know what to do so I just awkwardly stood at the door.
'So it's nice to meet you, I'm your homeroom teacher Ms. Adams.' a rather young looking teacher introduced herself. 'And if I can have your attention for just a moment... We have a new enrollment student here.' she gestured at me so I walked closer to her
'Umm hi... I'm Elizabeth.' I said
'Okay, Elizabeth, you can sit,' she looked at the seating plan 'beside Zac.' she looked up from the paper and gave me a smile.

I walked to the middle row and found my seat. Zac had his earphones in and was scribbling away in his notebook. I got out my pencil case and binder and put my bag down on the floor. Since class wasn't gonna end anytime soon, I took out my phone and stuck in one earphone and started sketching on paper.


The bell rang and class was finally over. I stopped sketching and closed my binder and started to put it in my bag.
'Elizabeth?' someone asked
'Yeah?' I looked up and there was a few girls who were nervous about getting close to me
'Umm we were wondering if you wanted us to give you a tour of the school." she said smiling at me
'Yeah, that would be nice.' I said, returning the smile. They told me to leave my things here since the teachers come into the classrooms while the students stay in the same class throughout the day and they also told me to bring my lunch along.

They took me everywhere on the school grounds; telling me where each teacher's office was, the classrooms, the school layout, the gym, the track, where each club stayed in, and where people would hang out. We were all walking back together and talking about ourselves when they suddenly stopped talking and it was only me.

'Hey, what's wrong?' I asked
'It's Zac, we should go a different way.' They said, already turning back
'Hey, wait. What's wrong with Zac? Why is everyone being so cold and distant when it comes to him?' I asked confused about his relationship with everyone else in the school
'Well, I guess we should explain it to you.' A girl named Andrea said
'We all went to the same elementary school as him and back then, he was the worst bully ever. He was always so violent which was why he was always in the office. Whenever he wanted something, he would threaten you until he got it, no matter what it was.' A girl named Lexi explained
'Yeah but maybe during the summer, he changed or something. You never know.' I suggested
'Don't be so sure about that Elizabeth, he could still be a bully that hurts anyone that tries to get close to him.' Andrea pitched in.

We came back to class before fourth period and we all took our seats when the next teacher came into the class. I don't remember the schedule but I think this was math class or something. Ew. Once again I saw that Zac was alone, in far left desk so I made way over there after reintroducing myself and sat next to him. Some people started to whisper about our relationship but that didn't bother me.

'You know that people are talking about us right? Zac whispered to me
'I know that, and I don't care about it.' I said to him. He was silent for a while and didn't response so I looked over and saw him staring at me.
'What? Do I have something on my face?' I asked, suddenly self conscious
'No, it's not that. It's just that people don't sit next to me willingly, they're usually forced to. But those that do sit near me willingly are usually my friends or people that want to make fun of me.' he explained, sounding lonely
'Well don't worry, I'm not here to laugh at you or anything, I'm here because I want to be your friend. Am I allowed to?' I asked him
'I never said we couldn't.' he said smiling
'Then that's that. In every class we have, I'll sit beside you.' I declared to him.
We both laughed at my comment, making too much noise which lead to us getting scolded by the teacher.

Since school sucks, I think me becoming friends with Zac will be the only highlight of my life. I think.

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