Chapter 6

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'Leo? Leo, it's time to wake up.' Nat told me softly. She sat on the side of the bed.

'No. It's too cold.'

'Put on some layers then.'


'Then I guess we'll have to force you out of here.' Bruce said, who stood at the foot of the bed. He and Nat were already dressed. Bruce grabbed the end of the sheets. I noticed what he was going to do and held on at my end.

He started pulling and soon it turned into a game of tug of war. I lost and he pulled my blankets off, effectively waking me up.

'I'm up, I'm up.' I said. 'Who's in charge of waking up Draco?'

'Tony.' Just as Nat said that, we heard in the other room a loud: "GOODMORNING VIETNAM!" and another loud "WHAT THE FUCK!" from Draco followed by laughter from Tony.

'Heavens, no.' I mumbled.

Bruce and Nat walked out of the room. 'Be at breakfast in fifteen minutes.' Nat said.

'Yeah, yeah. Okay.'

I got dressed and took the lift downstairs. Steve, Pepper, Tony, Bruce, Nat, Wanda and Sam were waiting for me. Draco joined us two minutes later.

'So, what are you guys planning to do today?' Sam asked.

'Well. I had arranged with Ron that we would meet at Gringotts with Hermione and Harry. He had sent a letter to Hermione a few days ago and they had agreed to meet there.'

'What about Nate?' Nat asked.

'He already got his books and stuff last week. I got an owl from him a few days ago.' I explained.

'Sounds like a plan then.' Tony said.


'Leonora! Draco!' Hermione waved from the steps. Next to her stood her parents, the Weasleys and Harry, who was covered in soot.

I waved back and ran over to her with Draco, who followed at a slower pace.

'Hey, Hermione! Hey Ron! Harry, what happened?'

Harry grimaced, 'We took the floo.'

'That explains a lot.'

The parents, all of the Weasleys and Harry went into Gringotts. I wasn't really feeling like taking those carts again, neither were Hermione and Draco. Hermione pulled us to a wizard clothing store.

'I need a new scarf for the winter.' She had said.

'But, Hermione, you don't have any money.' I said.

'I still have a few galleons left from last year.'

She started looking through the rack of scarves, meanwhile, Draco distracted me by trying out weird hats that stood on display with me.

'I think I'm going for this one.' Hermione showed off a bright, wool Gryffindor scarf. The yellow stripes nicely contrasted with her dark brown skin and her black hair.

'Looks good.' I put my thumb up. Draco nodded, he was now wearing a large, black top hat. I wheezed 'You look like a fancy dandy.'

He chuckled and put the hat back. We left the shop, everyone had just come back from Gringotts. Arthur was asking Hermione's parents about muggle money.

Ginny, who was previously named Bedivere, had changed her name recently. She had also recently started going to St Mungo's for transition.

She went off with Mrs. Weasley to buy new robes. The twins left for a joke shop, Percy left, mumbling something about a new quill and Mr Weasley kept Hermione's parents and my family busy, asking them all sorts of questions.

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