we'll see

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Felix's Pov

I was on my way to school with Chan. We decided to stop by a coffee shop that was on the school way to buy drinks. We bought take away for the others too and went to school. We headed to our spot as we arrived. The others were already there, talking. Well more like only Minho was, due to him using his hands and talking in a very excited way, probably talking about Han and yesterday.

When they saw us Minho excitedly stood up and hugged us while In was making a relaxed expression, mouthing "finally."

We chuckled and sat beside them. Handing them the drinks we bought. They all thanked and we continued to drink as Minho started to tell us what happened with Han yesterday. 

"You should've seen him! He was all cute and stuff. He even asked my cats's names and unlike you ungrateful bitches, he knows that i have three. Whatever so yeah, he told me that he and his friends like to go to a bar down in Seoul. The owner is his cousin so he said we can go there anytime by just giving his name."

"Wait, giving his name but as what?" In asked, confused.

"As..his friend?" Minho said.

"But it's clear that you guys are like more than friends." Chan said.

"As..his best friend?" we all laughed at this dumbness. 

"Bitch don't laugh at me! It's not my fault he got no balls to ask me."

"Yet." i said, winking. He just rolled his eyes at me as he sipped his Iced Americano.

"But actually, i like being like this tho, it's too soon and i don't wanna seem like a horny ass virgin.

"Aren't you?" In asked and Minho just paused for a sec with a questioning JB face on. (stan GOT7)

"I'm gonna pretend like i didn't hear this." he said after pausing.

"His insta name is literally main hoe, what'd you think?" Chan said.

"I-" In shut his mouth and sipped his drink. I saw Chan melted at the sight a little. 

"Promise me you won't ditch me again. It'd been so fun if you guys were there too." 

"I can't promise if that jack ass comes too. Even seeing him drinking water makes me annoyed." i said sipping my coffee as i looked at him, sloshing down the bottle of water, gulping. Making me thirsty as well.

"Just forget about it Lix. You guys are not even friends so it's not worth to be annoyed at somebody you don't even talk to. So, just ignore him." Chan said, being the wise one in the group.

"I would, ignore him. If he didn't come to me and begged me to come with him yesterday."

"He wHAT?!" Minho shouted. Causing some people to look at us. 

"He came to me after school when i was at the bus stop. He said like, you were mad at him and he came to me to make it up to you. And said something like we shouldn't act like this cauze our friends are close and somethings like that. So i got mad when he said that cauze i thought he came to apologize or something. Why would you insist someone to come with you, especially when they dislike you." 

"Lix, first of all i didn't say anything to him to invite you after you left or this 'make it up' shit. So he basically came to you by his own. Second, i think it's just an excuse. This 'our friends' stuff. I think he wants to 'make it up' to you, not to me or someone else." Minho said.

"We'll see. But I don't know, i just can't deal with him." i said looking at him again, laughing with his friends as he run his hands through his hair.

 He turned his head to our direction and caught me looking at him. 

That was the moment i knew i fucked up. He smirked then winked at me and i immediately turned my head and sipped my coffee. 

When the bell rang, we all stood up and headed to the building. (Skz in the building .d) And separated ways to go to class.


should i change Minho to dominant one? 

Cuz like have you seen the B me teaser like those motorcycles i-

Sir, i'd like to ride you like you ride those motors and you'd even thank me for it


Enough for my nasty ass

Comment if you agree 

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