Chapter 1

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Katie Gardner absolutely hates Travis stoll. He relentlessly pranked her cabin over and over and he never have up! I mean granted conner has something to do with it to, but that's beside the point. The point is, Katie was getting sick and tired of the same old routine. Katie wakes up, travis has a prank waiting for her, she screams her head off, he walks away unharmed and untouched.

"TRAVIS FREAKIN STOLL YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUT OVER HERE" it was a normal day at camp half blood. The weather was nice and campers were getting ready for breakfast or inspections even the screaming was normal. The only thing that was out of the ordinary, was the fact that Katie Gardner had woke. Up with blue hair. How? I have no idea.
I stormed out of my cabin door and walked into who do you know but travis stoll. "Oh why good morning Katie-kat. I heard you called for me?" That smug smile of his was about to be slapped off his face.
"This is the last time travis." I said poking his chest hard. "This is the last time you prank me or I will strangle you with vines so tight, they will cut you straight in half. You got that?"
She saw the fear in Travis' eyes and smiled at the fact that she had put it there. He wasn't going to mess with her from now on and she was going to make sure of that.
"But Katie dearest" he called as she walked away. "Don't you wanna know how to change your hair back?" The group of campers who had milled around then had watched them back and forth like a tennis match
I stopped moving and turned around slowly to look at him. "How. Tell me now" I said demanding he told me at once.
"Well I happen to have the removal shampoo, but you'll have to catch me first. Good day everyone." Travis said bowing to the crowd that had gathered as he calmly walked away.
I suddenly started going after him travis give it up please". He didn't stop. "Travis come on".
I walked a few more steps and forgot while focusing on Travis that the thing about the stolls was, there are two of them. And when the realization hit me connor out of no where tripped me on a trip wire making me land in the puddle of mud.
There was no way the stolls were getting away with this. Next time, they're going down.

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