Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Here's chapter ten hope you like it!


Surprising even myself, there was only one place I could go to get answers. And even though I despised myself for doing this, I knocked on the door to the Hermes cabin, number 11.
Connor opened the door, looking a bit agitated. "Travis isn't here Katie so-"
"I actually came to see you..." I stated, looking down.
"Ohh, okay then come on in I guess." A little confused connor let me inside and brought me towards a table in the back of the room.
Sitting down I said, "this is going to sound weird, but I need help."
"Well well well, never thought id see the day Katie gardener asked Me connor stoll for help. Ohh! Lemme guess you need revenge-"
"No connor, you're getting a bit off track." Maybe this was a mistake.
"Then what do you need Katie?" He said. Sensing the awkwardness, his eyes started to travel the room, landing on the blueprints near me on the table. Connors eyes suddenly widened and he quickly but swiftly gathered them up and threw them on his bunk.
"Sorry- can't spoil the surprise now can we?"
"What surprise? What did you do this time?!?" I swear to the gods they're useless, the both of them!
"Nothing! Nothing!" He said holding up his hands. "Yet" he coughed. Glancing at my angered expressions. "Moving on, what did you need again kates?"
"I need help deciphering your brother." I admitted, a little embarrassed.
" Ohh I see what this is. what'd he do this time?" I couldn't help but notice the amused look on Connors face, it made me want to slap him.
"Well you know how he kissed me a few weeks back? After I yelled at him in front of everyone? Well I'm not sure if he told you-"
"He did" connor smirked
"-but he kissed me again in the gardening shed looking for my gloves and then yesterday he acted like nothing happened and pranked me again! Then he called me cute!"
"Well, my brother certainly needs better tactics."
"Excuse me?"
"You see, travis is like a first grader, when he likes someone, he's mean to them." He gestured at me with his hands. " You get what I'm saying?"
No. I didn't. "Not exactly..."
"Okay well at least I tried being discrete. Travis likes you. Always has."
"Travis? No way that doesn't make any sense" somehow, connor made everything worse.
"No, it all makes perfect sense, he pranks you for your attention. without it you wouldn't yell at him, he wouldn't enjoy it, you wouldn't talk to him, everything."
"Are you sure?" There's no way that travis stoll likes me Katie gardener. I mean that would explain the kiss, but the pranks? That just doesn't add up...
" The question is..." Connors smirk grew wider. "do you like him back?"
I put my head in my hands. "Honestly connor, I have no idea."

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