Diego Hargreeves(The Umbrella Academy)

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You taunt/mock Diego

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You taunt/mock Diego.

"And she can rumor people to do whatever she wants" Five told Reginald.

"Which she doesn't like to use" Diego piped in, causing Allison to glare at him.

"Oh shut up knife boy, at least her lover isn't a traitor!" You told him, smirking.

"You take that back!" He shouted, pointing a knife at you.

"Over my dead body" You said leaning back in your chair.

"Then it looks like we're going to lose another sibling" he said, getting ready to throw one.

"Another?" Reginald asked looking over to five.

"There used to be eight of us in all" Five informed him.

"You wouldn't dare, superman" You said smirking again.

"Oh you little-" he said but was cut off by Allison looking at him.

"I heard a rumor.. that you sat back down and punched yourself in the face" she said smiling.

His pupils turned white and he obeyed. His pupils instantly turned back to normal then he clutched his nose.

"Oww..fuck.." he said.

"Haha! You dumbass!" You said laughing.

"And what about her? What's her power?" Reginald asked, referring to you.

"She has the power to control electricity" Five said simply.

"Like this" You said then shot a small spark of electricity toward one of the lights, causing them all to flicker.

"Interesting" Reginald said then wrote something down.

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