Part 1

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Jake's P.O.V 

It was another Monday Morning, And I was getting ready for school, I could swear i saw a blue mark on my cheek. I checked in the group Chat for Our Music club.

EdgeLord: Jake, Where the Hell are you.

Princess green: Zander, Its only 6 am

DrummerBoy: Let me Geuss he was awake From 4?

Virtual Dj: Why is Zander always awake ?

Pink Guitarist: Maybe it's his crush?

EdgeLord: You are all wrong, I was awake from 3:50 am 

Jake: Bro That isnt good for you

Zander: Oh Shut up, You have an hour to get here before i beat you. 

Jake: Ok, Okay Mom. 🙄😂

Princess Green : 😂

Virtual Dj : 😂

Drummer Boy: 😂

Pink Guitarist: 🤣.

EdgeLord: Jake Istg I will kill you.

Jake: No you wont

-Jake Changed EdgeLord To Grapes-

Grapes: JAKE!

-Grapes Changed Jake To SimpBoi-

SimpBoi: Ha, That's the best you can do?

Grapes: I Hate you.

SimpBoi: I know You Do

I chuckled and shut off my phone

" Bye Mom!"  I yell, as I walk down the path from my house,  My headphones were on as i blazed the music ordinary life. I hummed along to it.

I then stumbled upon a small box, It had a small not one it. 

Take care of my babies. They will help you. 

"what?" I whisper, as i open the box i saw 6 diffrent kinds of jewlery. 

"Huh, Well, Finders keepers loosers Weepers" I walked with the box, I entered the school, Smiling, Zander Saw me, My heart sped up slightly and i walked over to him. 

" Hey Grape" I say,He rolled his eyes at me and turned  to face me. 

"Yes Jake?"  he asks annoyance and sas in his voice. I pull him to the Music room, Luckily The others were there. 

"Hey Hailey" I say, She waves at me, and I Place the box on Sean's desk. 

"Hey Jake , What's in the box?" Luke asks, Suddenly The doors and windows close.  I watch as Milly run over to the door and tried opening it. "What The heck?, It wont open". She yells. 

We watched as the box began to float Taking a step back suddenly All six of the Trinkets float out of the box attaching itself to each of us. 

A Blue necklace found its way onto me , 

A red watch was attached to Zander, 

A grey bracelet Was On Luke.

Hailey had a Green Leaf in her hair, 

Sean Had a brown  chocker around his neck. 

While milly had a Yellow earring. 

MY eyes went to  Zander and he growled at me 

Zander's POV. 

" Your Late " I Yell at him. " And get these things off us".  I yell at Jake, Who was looking at Me for a while, I then growled and looked away.

" This is All your fault Jake!" I yell,, walking up to him

" Guys Calm down" Hailey began. I Ignored her and Pushed The teen into a wall, The more i got angry i realized that my hands were steaming suddenly his shirt erupted into flames, I let him go as he screamed and hit it continuously then a splash of water came from his hand. 

 Luke Jumped back but  Then suddenly began to float in the air. Sean Taking a step back began to make the room shake , Out of sheer panic hailey started to reach for a surface to grab. But then, Hailey Had Vines and leave erupting from her hands. Milly screamed and she looked at her hands , They were Sparking, Literally, But it gave off a pink and Yellow hue.

 " What The Hell is happening to us??" I Yell,  Suddenly we all started to float in the air, Diffrent Symbols were formed beneath us, As i looked over at Jake, I let out a scream, My body felt like it was being ripped apart,  I saw a red orb exitting my body, as it glowed, I looked at everyone else, who had an orb glowing as well. They all began to spin. The room then glowed white, Momentarily clouding my vision, We fell to the floor. Blacking out. 

-A few Moments later-

" Hey Wake up" I was being shook awake, as I blinked my eyes open, I saw Myself?, Looking down on me. 

" What The!!?" I yell Suddenly realizing the voice isnt mine, Looking down i realize i was Jake, In horror I screamed , Zander, Well Whoever was looking at me, Frowned. 

"Come On, It's Not That Bad  Becoming me right?" He muttered. 

"Jake!!??" I yell. He looks at me, smirking 
"The one and Only, Who are you tho?" He asks. Is it weird I find Myself attractive like this?. " Im Zander" I say in monotone.. He stared at me , A si stared at Him, And we did the only logical Thing. We screamed.

" So , I  Swapped Bodies with  Zander and  Zander Becomes me?" Jake asks, I nod, Suddenly Hailey and Milly get up.

" Dang it" Hailey snapped, My eyes widened 

"W-What happened?" Milly asks, I coulSee that Jaekke's Face litterally had confusion written over it.  He looks at Me then Said "Hailey Becomes MillyMilly becomes Hailey, Which Leaves" We turn to a groan to see Sean And Luke On each other, " Sean Becomes LukeLuke Becomes Sean." I whisper

" What The Holy Hell Is happening??" Milly yells, From Hailey's body. 

Suddenly a Gold Light appeared and There was Someone floating With Elegant blue hair. " Hello, I am Light" She began. But suddenly starts to laugh, 

" Im Joking, Im Rosy, But since I am The one who gave you those, " she said and the trinkets glowed. 

She clapped her hands " Any questions?"

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