Part 2

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Zander's pov. 

I stared at the woman in front of me,  " Any questions?, Any Questions??" I yell I look down, seeing as I was in Jake's body and My hand flared up, deciding to throw it, I did, The Lady In Gold, Rosy Snapped her finger making the ball of Organe and red flames disappear.

"Look, Alexander" She starts I backed up and she put forth her hand and a gold rope wrapped around my wrist. Pulling me forward. I was struggling against it. five more golden ropes were sent out grabbing the others. 

Suddenly We were pulled into a Portal, Opening my eyes It was decorated like a palace, Gold and white everywhere. She took  a deep breath and sat in a revolving golden chair. 

"Okay, Now you can ask" she says with a playful grin on her face. 

"First of All Who are you?"  Jake asks. Okay, I'm not gonna lie, Him looking like me is kinda creepy  but at the same time it's funny to see him Being serious. 

" My Name Is Rosy, I am Your Guardian , Call me Light Alright enough chit chat" She began, " You all must be asking why you swapped bodies right?" She  began

"YES" We all shouted. With a small smile she pulled out a golden hourglass. 

" You will switch back in a months time" She began.  Suddenly The doors of the catsle was A Girl with Orangish Red Hair. She ran up towards Rosy and bowed. "Queen Rosy, Dark Has Been Attacking again, She Took  Taylor" her voice broke at the end, I saw Jake's eyes flash blue he fell groaning, Normally i'd enjoy seeing him in pain but now i felt a bit of a pang in my stomach.

I fell over as well, I heard gasps, A suddenly pain in my arm cause a scream ti erupt from my body. I looked down to see a blue half Heart on my hand. Jake's screams got louder. The entire room glowed blue before he fell passing out. I followed shortly after.

Luke's P.O.V

I was watching everything happen, I was shocked, While Jake since he was in zander's body, The hair turned blue. Since Zander was in Jake's body , his hair erupted into  flames.  Shortly after the room glowed blue they both passed out. 

I walked over to them and say something strange, It was a mark, Both a half heart but in different colors. Okay, Im not gonna lie, I am terrified I started to shake, my arms were suddenly coated in a grey Hue, Almost misty, suddenly the place got very windy, Rosy Sat on her throne and Eat Sandwiches. Sean Rushed over to me, and pulled me into a hug. "Hey Calm down" he whispers, His voice was soft and  soothing. I nodded slowly and slowed my breathing. 

"Aww How cute" Rosy started "Suke, Is sailing" She mumbled, I stared at her confused. "Suke, What's that?" I ask. 

Sean Looks at Me , his face held a slight pink hue and he looked away from me "S-So, Rosy, Why us?" He asked. 

She jumped up in exictment "Finally A question worth answering" She giggles and sets down her Septer  turning to us , her smile went wide. Honestly it was scaring me.

Hailey's P.O.V

"How many elements are there?"  Rosy asks. I Looked up and answered her "Four, Water, Fire, Earth and Air" 

"That's where your wrong" She  retorts. 

"We have Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Nature, Lightning and Spirit" she looks over at us and her face pales. 'Wait Where is your spirit Element?" She asks franticly,  I shrug and look at Milly she was looking at my Hair almost playing with it. 

"No, No, No, What If She Has Him" Rosy Began to panic , She looked over at us and took a deep breath. 

"You Need to find Him" She began  She looked at us  Suddenly , The Orange haired girl from eariler was thrown inside.

She coughed and A black mark was on her arm, She screamed in pain. Rosy Looked at us before morphing into a teemager like us. "Let's go, We dont have much time" She opened another portal dragging Jake and Zander with us, Stepping through we ended back up in the music room. She turned to us and sighed. 

"So WHo should we find?" Milly asked 

Rosy Looked at us and Smiled " Elliot" She said, Milly's face went pink. "E-Elliot?" She asks. 

As If on cue The Door opened to reveal a blushing Elliot. 

"H-Hello" he said, I giggled, I must admit he is cute. , He walks up to me "H-Hey Milly, D-Do you want to See The f-flowers later?" He asks.

"Sure, I'd Love to" I answer. He smiles and Exits teh room waving. 

"Okay, Operation  Pink Flower is a go!" Rosy said clapping her hands together. 

Oh Boy, This is gonna be a long Week.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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