Sorry that I havn't updated in a while.
Kiley POV
I go back to the place where the ninja turtle and Riley were left. I walk in the door and there is a buffet table with you guessed it meatball other known as heavenly circular balls of meat ahhhh. These little thing are the reason it was hard to lose weight. I go over to the table and all of my common sense left me I dove right into their trap. I was dragged from my precious meatballs. But back on track I'm in a net and I see a one man I reach down to grab a meatball and a throwing knife is thrown at my arm. It leaves a gash on my arm.
"Hey! What was that for?" I say irritated
"Oh sorry Kiley I was aiming for the guy who was just about to stab you repeatedly." The turtle says in a slightly sarcastic tone.
"Oh Gosh!! Hit him! Hit him!"
"Geez calm down he is aready dead"
"Oh my god!" I breath a sigh of relief "Would you help me down now?"
"Oh yes your highness" he says rudly
"What is your problem?"
"It's nothing, you 2 are jujst so rude though. Like honestly I have saved you twice now and there wasn't even a thank you"
"Well thank you" I say with a little extra sass. He cuts the net and helps me down,"So where is Riley at?"
"Oh crap I totally forgot about her." He says face palming.
"Wait what!" I say aggravated.
"Haha just kidding. She is right here. But you should have seen your face." I have no comment I just punch him in the gut.
"WTF!" he yells as he goes down and curls up in a ball. Riley runs out and we hug.
"Oh thank god your alright." I say to Riley. We walk out chatting.
"Wait we forgot about ninja man."
"Oh yeh." We go back and help him up. We all go to the car and then just sit in there for a while.
"Soooooo..." I say to the ninja man.
"Soooooo what?" he says back.
"Soooo you want to reveal that secret idenity to us?"
"How about no"
"Well then I am not goinig to move this car until you say yes"
"Please I just escaped, we just escaped. Just move the damn car."
"Geez Fine." he says. He removes the mask. "Are you happy now?!"
"Ahh" Riley and I say in unison. He is so attractive I am just regretting every single thing I have said in these past days. He looks like a mixture of Sam Cliflin and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Gahhhh!!
"Ladys, let's go sometime today"
"Yehhh yes sure." I say awkwardly while starting up the car. "Hey sometime do you want to go and catch a movie?"
"Oh well this is awkward. I have a girlfriend."
"oh yeh okay. That is no problem." I say. Damn it I bet he is just saying that to keep me away from him. Now I feel like crap.
The whole ride to his house was dead silent. I don't even thing any of us made eye contact with one another.
"Well thanks for the ride. Maybe another time." He says. Then he tilts his head downwards,"Ladys." And walks off. Another one got away. Riley and I just fan girled over how handsom he was the whole way home. Or at least until we realized we didn't have a home at the moment because neither of us wanted to back to our parents. So instead we just went for a road trip. I don't think I will see that town ever again. And thank god for that.
Please vote. And thanks for reading. :D
Hành độngA girl. Alone. No one. Only her music understands. Nothing. A speck on the wall. No one knows she's alive. Until she's gone...