Chapter 5: Earth

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Chapter 5


The slideshow began, showing images of a planet, that looked like the compete opposite of Exo.

"I introduce to you all, Earth" dramatic music played in the background as the woman spoke.

Pictures of cars, food, roads, and people flashed by on the screen. Everyone was completely mesmerized by Earth.

Type-4806 heard the crowd whispering things like "Wow! What a great place to live!" and "I wish I can go there!"

She agreed with them. The wildlife was beautiful and so were the people. She began to daydream about how her life would be different if she had lived there instead.

"Type-4806 will be traveling here to collect information on the human's life and their home planet. When she returns, she will bring information about Earth."

"Oh well, that doesn't sound so bad. I guess I can do it, I mean I actually have to" The girl thought to herself.

"With this information, we will take over Earth" the woman said.

The girl gasped and covered her mouth in shock. She didn't believe in doing such violent things. She thought the Exceeds' idea was horrible and she no longer agreed with their Plan.

"This... This is... horrible!" the girl stood up from her chair with her head down, yelling at the woman. Fists were clenched at her sides and the girl was on the verge on tears.

"How many families, children, and homes will perish because of our selfish actions?! Yes, Exo isn't in a stable condition, that is true. But we have brought this upon ourselves! We did this to ourselves!" The girl shouted at everyone. Her stance remained, waiting for a logical explanation, yet no one said anything.

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