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"Do you have a photo of your ex-fiancé, ma'am?" I hear my sister, Carly, ask a young woman who sits in front of her at her desk. The woman nods and pulls out her phone, tapping a few times, and then revealing a picture to Carly.

"May I please take your phone so we can save this picture in our files, so we know who exactly it is?" The woman nods as my younger sister takes the phone into the back file room, hooking the phone up to a computer, and printing out several copies. After the woman is returned her phone, she exits the small building, quietly thanking Carly.

"Rough morning?" I ask, sipping my black coffee from my blue thermo, noticing her hands running repeatedly through her hair, stressedly.

"That lady is crazy. She wants us to do so much stuff, and it's going to be so much work. But I need to do this job, Caroline.. I need it," Carly whines, stealing some of my coffee.

"How much is she paying you? You could always just drop her or the price if it's that bad." "That's the thing! I need this money, because I want to be able to buy a very nice new car all by myself. No help whatsoever from Mom or Dad.... And she wants to pay me one million pounds."

"One million?! Oh my god, why so much!" I shouted. "She expects me to be able to hack a bunch of computers and literally change the entire location of the reception and hack into the groom's bank account... I really want this case. But I'm afraid I won't be able to do it." "Maybe you could take Camden with you? He's basically a computer genius, Car," I offered.

"I know, Caroline, but he told me that, after that really pretty bride had an anxiety attack while she was pregnant, because we crashed her wedding, he's done working with us for a little while.." "You literally could also take Cayden, Alice, or Andrew. Like you have so many choices, Carly. Use them!"

"Thanks, sis. Anyways, I gotta make a game-plan and see how I can possibly work this one out.. Did I mention I'm going to America?" "What! No! Carly, you can't go to America! Especially if someone's going with you! It's wedding season, how could you do this to me?" "Caroline! It's a million dollars!" "Fine, but your taking Cayden, she's too young for most of the jobs I need done." "I love youuuuu," Carly tried wrapping her hands around my shoulders in thanks as I shrugged away from her.

"Stay away from meeeeee," I responded, slamming my private office's door shut. I set my bag down on the floor and my coffee on the desk, quickly dialing a number into the phone on the desk.

"Hello," a very proper-sounding voice picked up, almost immediately. "Umm... Hello, ma'am! May I call you, Susan?" I asked, trying to be my politest self. Since this wasn't the classiest business to be in and we came from classy families, the girls and I had a policy that required us to refer to everyone as ma'am or sir, and be extremely polite, proper, and kind.

"Erm, it depends on who is speaking?" I'm so stupid, why would I not say who it was first? "I deeply apologize, Ms. It's Caroline Bradley from Wedding Crashers Inc. You called last night about the wedding you want crashed moving up in date?"

"Oh! Hello, Caroline.. Yes, there is so much to discuss! My daughter's ex-boyfriend recently broke things off with her about six months ago. And now he's marrying another girl. It's moved up three months in time!"

"Three months? That's crazy! Would you possibly be able to come to my office later this afternoon for a meeting?" "Oh, my dear, please! You've done so much work for me and my family so far, getting revenge on that troubled, gruesome boy. Let me take you out for tea, so we can discuss everything! I'll meet you down in London Square Teas and Coffees around eleven this morning. See you then, ta ta!"

And with that, she hung up and I had sudden plans for tea with Ms. Pellen in England's finest parlor.


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