Chapter Two- On A Wish And A Prayer

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Nya, Lloyd, Zane and Kai had all escaped to the docks, and with their name cleared by the Commissioner, they could walk around freely as long as they stayed together. They still had no clue Jay was in league with Nadakhan; as far as they knew, Jay was in the Sword of Souls along with Wu, Misako, Clouse and Cole. Kai had used his power to see the map through the lantern and find the location of Tiger Widow Island. But they had no boat. The one sailor they found was drunk and didn't know what was going on, so they did something Ninja shouldn't do: they stole a boat, more specifically at nighttime. It was a fancy looking boat called A Wish and a Prayer, and Kai even made a comment about how they should keep it and repaint it in the colours of the Destiny's Bounty, to which he recieved an elbow from his sister. They chartered a course for Tiger Widow Island and set off as soon as possible, sleeping whenever they could.

In the morning, they were still out at sea. Lloyd scooped up sea water in their canteens and filtered the salt out. He looked out to sea and sighed to himself, rubbing his eyes and even splashing some water on his face. In the distance, he saw a green blob coming slowly towards them. He waited for it to come to them and he picked it up. It was a message in a bottle.

Hopefully this reaches you Ninja. I am a member of the crew of The Misfortune's Keep, and Nadakhan does not know I am sending you this. Jay is not in the Sword of Souls, he is the First Mate to Nadakhan, and he is very loyal to him now. I don't know why he suddenly changed sides, but Nadakhan said it was when he was putting stuff in the bin. I also believe Nadakhan isn't telling everyone his real plan and keeping it to himself, but I think Jay knows. I have to go now, and I cannot tell you more.

Good luck Ninja

Lloyd was stunned at this news. The Jay he knew would never do this, but apparently something had made him change sides. He quickly woke everyone up and informed them of this development. They were sad, to say the least. Kai began to get very angry and punched a wall, and Zane looked down at the floor sombrely. Nya was the most distressed, as she felt it was her fault Jay switched. She felt as if she was unnecessarily cold to Jay, but then again, how can you not come across as cold when rejecting someone's romantic feelings towards you.

A few hours passed and they eventually reached the island, parking the ship by the shore and stabilising it so it couldn't moved. They explored the island deeply, trying to find the nest of the Tiger Widow. Soon nighttime fell and they set up camp at the beach near the boat.

They woke up and the boat was in pieces. They assumed that Nadakhan followed them, and called out for him to come out from hiding and face them. They waited for about five minutes until they saw a figure emerge from the bushes. It was Jay. The group readied their weapons, but Jay showed them a large gash in his side so they took him into camp. Though he was their enemy now, they still helped him out as they did not wish for him to die. They left Kai and Zane to guard him, just in case anyone came or it was a bluff. Shockingly, Jay didn't talk much, and when he did his voice seemed slightly off.

"So," Jay smiled. "Shall we begin?"

"What?" Kai answered, comfused. Just then, Zane shut down and stood still. It turned out that Nadakhan impersonated Jay to infiltrate their camp and take someone in the sword. Nadakhan figured that Zane was too smart to wish it all away, and just striking him with it to trap him would make too much noise. So he chose Kai.

"Your friend Jay is a part of my crew," Nadakhan laughed.

"We know. We got a message in a bottle from someone in your crew!" Kai snapped, shocking Nadakhan. "That's right, there is a traitor in your midst!"

"It does not matter." Nadakhan shrugged, starting to circle Kai like he did Cole. "I can see you feel intense hatred towards Jay...or is it the opposite?"

"What are you on about?" Kai said, taken aback by this sudden change.

"You have strong feelings towards the blue ninja," Nadakhan sniggered. "But you already have a girlfriend, do you not?"

"I- Skylor and I aren't together. We live too far away." Kai replied, a blush crawling up his cheeks.

"Am I...confusing you?" Nadakhan sneered. "Making you think about which sex you like? Is it hurting you in the head? Do you not want everyone else to know? Because it could ruin your masculinity?" Kai started yanking on his hair, trying to get Nadakhan out of his head. He attempted to tackle the djinn, but Nadakhan teleported away. "You can wish it all away. I can make the feelings leave your head. But only if you wish it all away.

"I wish it all away!" Kai screamed before he was sucked into Nadakhan's sword. Nya quickly opened the tent and her mouth fell agape. She saw a shut down Zane and no Kai or Jay. She managed to get Zane back online, but he had no memory of what happened in the tent.

"Nadakhan can shapeshift." Lloyd pointed out. "What if he transformed into Jay and tricked us so he could get to one of us?"

"Th-that sounds good," Nya stammered, bursting into tears at the loss of her brother.


Nadakhan teleported back onto the deck of Misfortune's Keep, holding the sword up in the air in triumph.

"The Master of Fire is no more!" he called, receiving cheers from the growing crew of the ship. Jay walked up to him afterwards and congratulated him, but was concerned about the three getting the venom.

"Captain, I respect your decision to stay in hiding, but shouldn't we stop them before they get it?" Jay asked nervously.

"Haha!" Nadakhan chuckled. "My boy, we're waiting for the right moment."

"Oh," Jay sighed. "Sorry Captain. I'm just...nervous."

"You still have feelings for Dil- Nya." Nadakhan said.

"Yeah," Jay said sadly. "I'm sorry, it's just that...she's so beautiful and kind and nice and-"

"I understand, my boy," Nadakhan smirked. Suddenly, Jay was knocked down off of the ship. Instinctively, he made his Lightning Dragon. He inferred from the push that Nadakhan wanted him to find the Den of the Spider Widow. He flew over the island a couple of times before realising it was in a small ravine. He flew back up to the Misfortune's Keep and told Nadakhan where it was. Jay landed on the ship and pointed in the direction, and Flintlocke flew that way. They were ready and waiting for the Ninja.

And the Ninja were falling into their trap.

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