Chapter Four- The Traitor

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Jay was cutting through the bushes to find his prey, Nya. After a few rounds of Scrap 'n' Tap, Jay was finally let free to find Nya. He used this Elemental Dragon to scout out the area, before locating Nya and dropping down. He finally tackled her to the ground, pulling a sword out and stabbing at her. Just in time, Nya dodged and kicked Jay across the face and tried to run.

"Not so fast!" Jay grimaced, yanking at Nya's ankle.

"Jay!" Nya shouted, blasting water at him. Jay was caught off guard, but recovered quickly and kicked Nya in the back which made her stumble over next to a cliff face. "Jay, stop! I got your voicemail!"

"You-you did?" Jay stammered, lowering his cutlasses slightly.

"Yes! And...I love you too." Nya sighed, finally admitting what she'd be denying for a few years. "I know I've been cold to you. I'm sorry. The first day we met at the Fire Temple, I saw our future. The reason I broke up with you was because I was really confused. I thought that...I don't even have an excuse. I'm so sorry."

"Nya I-" Jay hesitated. "You're too late!" He finished, tackling the now standing up Nya off of the cliff down to the beach below, killing them both on the rocks.

Then Nya woke up in the a ship at nighttime.

"You okay Nya?" Ronin asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Eh?" she grunted, jerking upright.

"We're here." Ronin frowned. They were directly above the Misfortune's Keep. Only Jay was on the deck, probably because it was nighttime and he was guarding the ship. The group slid down onto the deck with ropes, sneaking by Jay and to Nadakhan's cabin. Nya was the last in the row, but hesitated.

"Jay," Nya said, standing back up from her crouching position.

"Nya," Jay muttered, turning around.

"I got your voicemail," she sighed.

"Okay," Jay replied, drawing a cutlass.

"Jay, please, hear me out." Nya pleaded.

"What?" Jay responded, putting the cutlass back.

"I shouldn't have broke up with you. I was just...confused. Cole being my 'perfect match' and me falling for the trick was wrong." Nya apologised.

"Trick?" Jay inquired.

"It was the Overlord and I should've realised." she continued. Jay stared at the ground.

"You know what else is a trick?" Jay whispered.

"What?" Nya responded, taking Jay's hand.

"This." Jay finished, smacking Nya round the face. "You think I'd fall for your tricks again?!"

"Jay I-" Nya was interrupted by a swipe by Jay. "Jay!" Nadakhan appeared with Ronin and the Commisioner in two of his four hands. "No!"

"I see you we're trying to poison me Dilara," Nadakhan smirked.

"Nadakhan, if you-" she was stopped by a hit on the head by Jay, knocking her out. Nadakhan equipped the Sword of Souls and struck both Ronin and e Commisioner, sending their life force onto the blade.

"What do we do with Nya?" Jay asked.

"Take her to the brig." Nadakhan shrugged Jay off, staring intently at Nya, or Dilara as he thought she was. "When Djinnjago is completed, I can marry her and have all the wishes I need,"

"Yes, Captain," Jay nodded, picking Nya up and taking her to the bruh. He locked her in a cell and threw the key off the ship, sending it plummeting into the water below.

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