Chapter 1: Alliam "High Heels"

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Chapter 1: Alliam "High Heels"

This is the first one shot in the series for Allie S.

Follow her on twitter here: @allie_stewart

Link of the side of the song for you to listen to while you read ---> (What's My Name by Rihanna ft. Drake)

"I can't believe I wasted two hundred dollars on a hotel room," I grumbled, slipping on my little black dress over my head and shrugging it down around my hips. I had rented out a hotel room in a hotel that was rumored to be the hotel One Direction was staying at for their Dallas concert, but update twitters everywhere were reporting that only the band was staying there and the boys had been moved to an undisclosed location. My friends had opted to have a sleepover at their house, but I couldn't let the room go to waste, so I slept in it alone that night.

I was angry and running late for the concert that night. Could anything else go wrong?

Stumbling across the room while slipping my silver heels on, I snatched my purse off the bed and galloped gracelessly out the door, letting it slam shut behind me. The elevator doors at the end of the hall dinged, and I yelled,

"Hold the elevator, please!"

"Yeah, sure!" whoever was inside called back, grabbing the doors. They popped back open and I stumbled a bit inside.

"Thanks," I slid out my hand mirror and quickly applied lip gloss. "I'm already late for the One Direction concert tonight."

"Me too," the voice replied with a chuckle, and I knew at once I recognized the deep, smooth British accent. Panic, excitement, and disbelief hit me like a bus as I realized I was in the elevator with Liam Payne. Stay cool! I inwardly screamed. I fumbled with the hand mirror and it clattered to the ground, breaking into two pieces.

"Here, let me get that," Liam bent down and gathered it up in his big hands. I discreetly leaned back to get a good candid view of his ass, and immediately snapped back up when he straightened up. By his look, though, I knew he had caught me red handed. Blushing furiously, I snatched the mirror from his outstretched hands and tucked it into his purse.

"Thank you," I mumbled, trying to breathe calmly, because I was sure he could hear my awkward, loud, rugged breathing. I was in too much shock to fangirl or anything, I felt like I was in a fog. I let out a shriek when the elevator suddenly began to crow out a long, harsh note; piercing and unnerving.

"Oh my god, what's going on?" I grabbed the railing and wobbled on my much too high heels. Liam immediately grabbed my waist with one hand to support me as the trolley rocked back and forth precariously, his other hand gripping the railing to keep us both upright.

"Just a malfunction, I'm sure," Liam replied, his tone calm. Still holding my waist in a protective way, he reached over and jabbed his pointer finger onto the first floor button again. Again, the elevator shrieked and I covered my ears, biting my lips together. Frowning, Liam pushed the second floor button, but the button just screamed again.

"Damn it, don't push it again! My eardrums are going to explore, I swear! It's not working!" I swore, then immediately slapped my hand over my mouth. I had seriously just screamed at Liam Payne. His brown eyes turned to meet mine slowly, his face unaffected.

"It's going to be ok," he said huskily, face serious but eyes soft. His pupils dilated a bit in the dim light, and I swallowed hard, feeling myself literally salivate.

"I...I'm sorry Liam," I stammered. "I hate loud noises."

"You know my name?"

"Of course I know your name. I was on the way to your concert,"

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