Chapter 6: Zariah "Salty Kisses"

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The sixth part of the one shot series for Mariah F.

Follow her on twitter here: @Riri_Feli

Link on the side of the song to listen to while you read ---> (Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction)

"No phones today," my boyfriend teased me, pulling my iPhone out of my hand. I let out an impulsive squawk and gave him a pout.

"You're always on your phone," I complained, stretching for my phone, but he held it just beyond my reach.

"It's just me and you, Mariah. We don't get many of these days,"

We certainly didn't. Dating Zayn Malik had it drawbacks.

"Fine," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. He winked at my cheekily and slid my iPhone back into my purse. Giving him a forgiving smile, I danced after him down Hollywood Boardwalk.

"Get whatever you want. Money is no object," Zayn stated, a skip in his step.

"It usually isn't, Zayn," I chirped back, and he slung his arm around my shoulders. I never got tired of the way he smelled. Always fresh, like Axe shampoo and Calvin Klein cologne. I was pretty sure his cologne cost more than my iPhone.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought that, obviously, first we'd go shopping. Then I have a surprise for you! Actually, two surprises!" My step stuttered and I saw him grin happily to see my response.

"A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

"If I told wouldn't be a surprise," he raised his eyebrows at me, hiding a teasing smile. I pursed my lips and turned away, and he chuckled and pulled me against him tighter, letting out a happy sigh. My boyfriend always planned the best surprises, and he was notorious at keeping them well hidden.

We skimmed through a couple shops; he bought me a sundress and got a pair of sunglasses for himself. Several people recognized us and Zayn stopped to take pictures with them. A couple of girls even asked for a picture with me. I felt shy as I stepped in, awkwardly smiling. I wasn't a celebrity; and it was always weird when people treated me like I was.

"Starbucks or ice cream?" Zayn asked as we stepped away from a particularly vivacious group of Tweens.

"Both," I let out a tired gust of air and he nodded.

"Agreed." We slipped into the nearby coffee shop and ordered. I got a vintage bottle of Dr. Pepper, and he ordered an iced coffee, then we sat down in a corner table. Zayn pulled the hood of his jacket over his head to stay inconspicuous, only the top of his quiff sticking out. He looked incredibly cute, and I reached over and twirled my finger through the top of it. He gave me one of his adorable grins. He hated it when people touched his hair - except for me. He loved it when I played with his hair.

"You're cute," I folded my hands in front of me on the table and he rubbed his thumb across his jaw, where a shadow of stubble graced his face.

"Stop it," he teased, looking down at the table. He loved it when other people complemented him; everyone knew he'd never met a mirror he didn't like. But when I complimented him, he got shy and embarrassed. "I like it when you wear your hair like that." My hands flew up to my hair, where I had let my brown-black locks spill in natural waves over my shoulders, with my bangs pinned back over my right ear. I smiled, my heart fluttering.

"Thank you," I took a drink of my soda and stared back into his chocolate brown eyes, "So tell me about this surprise."

"I can't," Zayn winked again, and I wanted to be angry at him, but I knew it was in vain. I twisted my lips up into a hidden smile and pseudo frown, and he laughed at me, that beautiful rollicking laugh. "Let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along after him, snatching his coffee off the counter from the barista.

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