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This isn't exactly necessary to read but I guess it would help

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Your last name
F/f = favorite food
F/m = favorite movie
F/d = favorite drink

~two years ago~

I had gotten off my flight about a half an hour earlier, so I had time to get food before I was supposed to meet my roommate. I flew in from Ireland because that's where I previously was living until my parents told me I should get my own house, and yes, I have an Irish accent because I am Irish and am from there so that was pretty obvious.

When I was getting food, quite a few people noticed the different accents and sexy deep voice because they are quite different accents and it's probably weird seeing a girl with a voice as deep as mine.

And before I know it it's already almost 3 pm. I go to the address of the house and knock on the door. It's a good-sized house too.

A few seconds later a tallish man opens the door, I mean he's taller than me which means he's tall. "Hi, I'm your new roommate..?" I say shyly, trying to hide my accent. "Ah, so you're Y/n... I'm Henry, but you already knew that. Welcome to my house, uh, c-come in!" He tells me with his British accent, which I mean is to be expected since I'm in England now.

I walk inside. from the front door, if you go right there's a living room that looks like it leads into a dining room and a bathroom. On the left is the kitchen and what seems to be a pantry. And if you walk straight forward there are spiral stairs up and down, down is probably the basement.

"Follow me," Henry says, bringing me upstarts. When I get to the top, there's a sorta long hallway, at the very end there's another living room with a big window. On the left side, there's only one door, but the right side has 2. I'm assuming that one of the two on that side is the guest bedroom.

"I've had an extra room in my house for the longest time, that's why I sent out that tweet about needing a roommate," he tells me, reminding me of what the tweet said: 'In need of a roommate. Only if you're moving out tho, don't want you to move out when you don't need to'

He brings me to the lone door on the left side and opens the door.

It's a fairly large room, on the left is a king-sized bed with a nice picture above it, so I comment, "hope that doesn't fall on me while I sleep," causing him to laugh.

Next to the bed is a bedside table with a lamp on it. On the opposite side of the room is a flatscreen tv with two doors on either side. One is the bathroom and the other is the closest I'm guessing. And then, right across from the door to the hallway is a wall made out of glass with a door to a balcony.

"Wow," I say in awe. "And you can decorate it however, also I don't know if you want a desk or anything to record videos if that's what you'd want to do, or a desk for anything for that matter," he tells me, also not saying anything about my accent. "No yeah I'd get a desk to record videos," I say quietly, still admiring the room.

"I thought it would be better if you got the bigger room," he tells me, making me turn around quickly and say, "I would've been fine with the smaller room,", causing him to make a face like 'yeah sure', making me roll my eyes.

"Well I'll let you get settled in, I'll be in the living room if you need anything," he tells me, and then leaves, shutting the door behind me.

I drop my bags and run around the room to check everything out.


Ok now that that's over, enjoy the book

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