Please Answer Me

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(Soooooooooo. This was inspired by something I found on Pinterest [again] and I thought, Why not destroy my soul so here I am. Enjoy! Also, if you have any suggestions for things you wanna read then, please suggest them because I'm running out of ideas. Ok, enjoy. There's swearing FYI.)

(Have fun with your emotions kids)

(Modern-day but they still spy)

(Unedited cuz my Grammarly hates me right now)

He was screwed.

Curt was absolutely screwed.

He couldn't reach Owen and here he was, bleeding out in the woods.

He had been on a mission and he was almost out of there when someone shot him. Luckily he didn't have to worry about the guy because he got stuck in the explosion.

As for Owen, well, he and Curt got into a fight only a couple of hours prior. Most of their fights were over stupid and petty things and usually ended up being resolved about an hour later. But this one escalated. It ended with insults and Curt slamming the door to their apartment. He burst into Cynthia's office not even an hour later and demanded a mission. She gave him this one. 

He tried calling Owen many times. His brain was fuzzy and Owen's number was the only one he could remember. His com went out hours ago but luckily his tracker was still working. He hoped that someone would be here before he bled out and died. 

He left many voice mails for Owen. No calls back though. These voice mails consisted of:

Hey Owen.

It's Curt.

Uh, I kinda need your help.

I got shot and I can't reach anyone else.

Now I know that this might not be the best time to try and reach you but I just thought that maybe you would care enough to would pick up.

I'm sorry and I hope you get this before I bleed out.

Bye. I love you

Hi Owen.

It's Curt again.

Tried calling again.

It's helping me keep my mind off of me bleeding out as we speak.

Fuck. I'm thinking about it again.

Uh, yeah, it would be pretty nice if you answered me.

Bye. I love you

It's Curt again.

While I have nothing else to do except wait for me to bleed out I might as well just talk.

I really am sorry.

I got angry and let everything out at once.

I'm just tired of people thinking that I'm stupid.

I'm sorry I slammed the door and took this mission.

It was the only thing I could think of to get my mind off you.

Anyway, I'm sure you're tired of hearing my excuses.

Bye, Owen. I love you

Hey, Owen

I thought I might talk one last time because I really feel lousy now.

Sitting here without anything to do is really fun.

Uh, what was I talking about?

Fuck. I'm. Sorry.

I...... I.... love


Curt's unconscious body slumped to one side. The voicemail just kept running until time ran out. 

The home phone rang in Owen and Curt's small apartment. Owen immediately picked the phone up and held it firmly against his ear.


"Carvour. Get your sorry ass over to the infirmary right damn now." It was Cynthia.

"What happened?"

"You happened. Curt burst into my office a couple of hours ago demanding a mission and then he got shot on said mission. I'm blaming you because it's probably true. Now get your ass over here or you're fired."

"You're not my boss."

"Don't test me, Carvour."

He didn't. He knew how overprotective she was over Curt and how much she could actually do to him. He jumped into his car right away, not bothering to get his phone that he shut off hours ago. Almost 20 minutes later, he was running through the door of the A.S.S. and into the infirmary.

"About time, Carvour."

"What happened to him?"

"He got shot. And his com cut out. It looks like he kept trying to reach you. But he couldn't. He got to the woods and passed out. Luckily, another agent got to him and got him back here. So tell me, Carvour, why did he come bursting into my office this morning." Cynthia never called Owen by his last name unless she was mad at him. And this time, she was really mad.

"Well, we kinda got into a fight this morning. It escalated and he just walked out of the apartment and came to you I guess."

"Well, you guessed right. And now, thanks to you, our best agent is severely injured. I hope you're happy with yourself, Carvour."

Owen just sat there. He didn't have anything to do except count the second in between beeps on the heart monitor. Being shot in the side is harmful enough but, when you have also lost a lot of blood and didn't have medical attention for multiple hours was something else. 

He sat there for hours on end. Thinking about how things could've been different. He didn't have to fight with Curt. He didn't have to say the things he did. He loved Curt to the ends of the earth. He would probably do anything for Curt. He never tried to hurt him. He just got angry and overreacted. 

He walked along the streets, hands deep in his pockets. Owen was told to go home and get some sleep. It was around 2 a.m. and he was exhausted. He hadn't checked his phone in about 12 hours and just wanted some tea. He didn't care how he looked. He didn't care who saw him. He just wanted to go home and sleep with Curt in his arms. But that wasn't going to happen.

He slammed the door shut behind him and collapsed on the couch. He just stayed there. No emotion present. He slowly got up and walked to the bedroom. The bed was still unmade from that morning. Clothes on multiple pieces of furniture. And his phone. Lying face down on the bed. He picked it up and the lock screen showed multiple calls and voice mails from Curt. He opened and listen to every single one of them. By the end, he was in tears. He flopped onto his back, not caring to change out of his day clothes. He fell asleep there. Tears in his eyes.


I literally wrote this over like 5 days. I got so much done in the first day and then just couldn't get the ending. I hope you guys like this. I have one more idea and that's it. So please suggest some stuff and yeah. I'm gonna go now. Bye.




Peace Out :))

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