𝟣: meeting the real team usa

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(𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘰'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷)

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(𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘰'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷)

biggie smalls blared throughout the neighborhood on the radio as i finished my homework.

"aye rizzo!" a voice shouted and i looked up, already knowing who it was. there stood one of my best friends, russ, tyler, in his roller blades and gear.

i got up from my porch, "what's up russ! what are you doin' here? we don't got practice today."

"grab your gear! we got a game at the court!" he shouted.

"i'll be there, just lemme tell my ma first!" i shout back.

"'kay 'kay!"

i run inside with my school backpack. "mamma, vado a giocare a hockey con russ e loro! tornerò per cena!" i shouted as i drop my bag into my room and quickly change into:

 "mamma, vado a giocare a hockey con russ e loro! tornerò per cena!" i shouted as i drop my bag into my room and quickly change into:

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(trans: mom, i'm going to go play hockey with russ and them! i'll be back for dinner!)

"ma hai finito i compiti?" she yelled. my mom doesn't really speak english so i talk to her in italian. (trans: but did you finish your homework?)

"si e ho fatto il lavoro della prossima settimana!" i yell back as i put my roller blades and gear on. (trans: yes and i did next week's work!)

"ok divertiti tesoro! ti amo!" (trans: okay have fun honey! love you!)

"anch'io ti amo!" (trans: love you too!) i said before walking out the door. then i began skating down the streets of south central los angeles.

"hey riz wait up!" voices shouted from far behind. i stopped and turned around to see james, hector and diego like a mile away. i totally forgot that i live right next to them.

once they caught up, they were out of breath and crouching down, panting.

"man, why did god make you fast as hell?" james asked- well more like stated.

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