𝟩: showtime

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(𝘳𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘰'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷)

we were losing, 4-0, the first period and i haven't gotten onto the ice yet. then we went into the second period.

"it's gonna take something drastic for team usa to be able to turn this game around." the announcer said.

dean, fulton and i looked at each other, fist bumped and put our bandanna's on.

"partyyyyyyy!" the boys yelled as they smashed an iceland player into the wall. this made the crowd go crazy. the bash brothers bumped and went to go cause some more havoc.

then iceland got the puck again and went into our zone. but he didn't get far because i skated up and hip checked him, making him flip and slide across the ice. the crowd went wild.

"yeah bash babe!" the bash brothers cheered me on and gave me a high-five.

jesse got the puck but didn't get far, the iceland defense got to him and #74 stole the puck.

"wu comes for #74 who spins around and is right in the spot! he shoots and a save by goldberg! kenny wu picks it up behind the team usa net. wu, the former olympic skater, weaves his way to center ice. he's gonna try and slip up the iceland defense!" the announcer hypes kenny up.

kenny then spins into the air, soaring across the iceland defense and landing right next to the stunned goalie. fulton skates up to the puck, which was by defense, and said "pretty cool huh."

"fulton back to ken wu, he shoots- he scores!" and the crowd literally screamed, celebrating our first point of the game. "wu wu wu, kenny wu! puts usa on the board!"

kenny, jesse, fulton, dean and i have a group hug in the iceland zone before skating back to our positions. but kenny decided to skate up to the iceland goal and taunt him.

"what'd you think of that? pretty sweet huh? haha!" kenny laughed as he skated. then the goalie was going at him but kenny wasn't havin' it. "hey! hey! want a piece of me?"

kenny did what james taught him and dropped his stick, gloves and pulled the goalie's jersey over his head while punching him. the crowd was ecstatic and praised kenny for taking on the big guy.

"yeah kenny! show em how it's done around here!" i shouted and whistled. team usa cheered their little tough friend from the benches.

"yeah ken!"


"get him kenny!"

the ref had to come up and tear kenny from the poor guy on the ground and take him to the box. kenny asked innocently, "what did i do?"

i shook my head and chuckled as the ref locked his little ass in the box. then fulton and portman went up to him in the box and cheered on their new little bash bro.

this was the best idea because after they threw their helmets and gloves to the side, getting the crowd goin'. then they went up to iceland's bench and skated by, smacking all of their heads multiple times. i thought it was funny but the ref didn't and took them to the box with kenny.

when the three were in the box together, they stepped on the bench and kept feeding attraction towards the crowd while banging on the glass.

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