Curious about bucky

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Swearing but apart from that just a lovely story

I just wanna say this is my first ever fanfic and thank you for clicking on this book and please continue it gets REALL good I promise

I just wanna say this is my first ever fanfic and thank you for clicking on this book and please continue it gets REALL good I promise

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You had been a part of the avengers for some time now around 6 months and you were starting to think of them as family.

The sleepovers with Nat and Wanda the smart fun talks with Bruce, the laughs you have with Tony and Clint, plaiting Thor's hair and talking about pop tarts, Sam cracking jokes and cap training you to be a good avenger they all welcomed you and you were so grateful to have them....

But then there was one person who didn't seem so welcoming


He distanced himself from you a lot and only really talked to steve he was warming up to the other avengers but seen as you had been round the shortest I guess he just had trouble trusting people the poor thing.

But the bad thing was... you wanted to know him

"He squirt" said Tony from behind you. You were sat on the sofa facing the tv staring into space.He popped down next to you.

"hey you ok you seem more quiet than usual your normally shoving you face with Doritos in front of the tv" he laughs while you rolled your eyes "well first of all I'm..err deciding what to watch and second ....we are out of Doritos" you said the last bit quietly. Tony gave you a warm smile "I'll put it on the list" Tony walked out of the room, you turned back to the tv noticing Thor was next to you eating pop tarts with his hair in a messy bun in sweats "so what is this Netflix do you seek nets on there" he smiled you found it adorable how he knew nothing about earth things. "No it's were you can just watch shows and it's err fun" Thor looked impressed he fiddled with the remote till you put something on to satisfy him he was like a puppy he needed to be under supervision, you watched a documentary on planets with him for a bit until you got bored and walked to your room.


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