The Feast and the Sorting Ceremony

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"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" called a familiar voice. "Hi Hagrid!" Saphron exclaimed eagerly. "Hello Saphron! Blimey! Is that the time!? Sorry Saphron! Gotta run! Firs' years! Don' be shy!" Hagrid said briskly. Ted was seperated from Saphron, Ray, and Farren, as he had to go to the boats with the other first years.

 Approximately fifteen minutes later, Saphron entered the Hall with the other second years.  She  noticed Professor Longbottom, head of Gryffindor,  was wearing midnight blue robes which were, coincidentally, the same exact shade as Saphron's hair. Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall opened. Professor McGonagall was leading the first years towards the staff table. Saphron spotted Ted, who was squished between two girls sneaking in because of tardiness. "Be quiet! This is your fault that we're late! Mum's going to kill me!" whispered a tall girl with blazing red hair. 

"Calm down! I only wanted to check out the carriages!" said an identical girl. She looked almost the same except she was two heads shorter. "Oh, ok. Now go join the other first years."said the tall redhead girl. 

The shorter girl quickly scurried toward the other first years. Saphron immediately knew who they were, the tall redheaded girl was Rose Weasley, and the shorter redheaded girl was Lily Luna Potter."When I call your name, step up and I will place The Sorting Hat on your head." Professor McGonagall dictated. "Gryffindors are famed for their courage and chivalry, Ravenclaws are bright and value wit and learning, Hufflepuffs are kind, loyal, and patient, while Slytherins a cunning and ambitious." the Sorting Hat recited.

"Johnson, Molly!"

"SLYTHERIN!" The Sorting Hat shouted.

"Smith, Liam!"


"Carter, Sofie!"


"Potter, Lily!"


"Dolohov, Ted!" Ted's hair turned instantly to a nervous scarlet

"HUFFLEPUFF!" Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw applauded like thunder.

Soon, the Sorting Ceremony ended and Professor McGonagall tapped her goblet lightly with her spoon. "Your attention please!" she said politely. "Let the feast begin!" At these words the empty plates filled with a whole buffet of food. There was chicken wings, roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steak, mountains of mashed potatoes, a whole plateful of chips, and Yorkshire pudding. 

Saphron looked over her shoulder and saw that Ray had already finished three whole lamb chops and was going for his fourth until a pearly transparent ghost appeared, looking a bit annoyed. "Ah, hello St Nicholas! Did you have a good summer?" Saphron asked. "Purely" he replied. He gliding away muttering to himself, still looking annoyed. Saphron began to eat and she absolutely loved the pork chops and mashed potatoes as they melted in her mouth. 

Farren turned around to look at Ted, but instead she froze. "Look! Loony is the perfect name! Just like your great-grandmummy!" Blaire said with a wide toad-like smirk. Saphron immediately said, "Shut up, you big fat git!" but Farren didn't thank her like usual. Instead, she muttered something no one could understand, and she was no longer dreamy. 

"What is it Farren?" Saphron said curiously. 

"The...rezurretion.... shtone." 


Farren breathed deeply, and was able to form the words; "The..Resurrection... Stone... "

Author's Note

Hey guys! Here is today's QOTD:

What is your favorite color?

~Magic from~

~Liah Annalise~

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