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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, business, events, and incidents are either products of author's imagination or used in a fictitious matter. I used some of the characters' names from people I know but I didn't used it without any permission.

This story is inspired by Taylor Swift's song, "YOU BELONG WITH ME". You may notice some of the events in the music video as part of this story but the rest were from my broad imagination.

No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without a prior permission of the author. PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME.

Please be aware that I'm a newbie in writing stories so don't expect too much from me. I'm doing my best to reach your standards so please bear with me. Grammatical errors, misused words may be present in this story.

If you're reading this right now. I'm sincerely thanking you.I'm always open for suggestions, critics, and advice. Enjoy reading, keep safe and God Bless!

Music video at the top!☝

You Belong With Me (ON-HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon