Chapter 1 - Aliens

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I ran. Faster than ever before, they were so close it was like I could nearly feel their burning breath sting my neck. I huffed and panted, taking in as much air as I could to keep running. They wouldn't give up. I was choking for air but I knew I couldn't stop, if I did then they would catch me and also catch my family's secret. I promised to them on their last dying breath I wouldn't let them find out. This is a promise I will never break, they would have to kill me and I still won't let that happen.

How did I get here? I was just crossing the deserted land and then suddenly, they had found me and I bolted across the plains. Dodging boulders, climbing up small massifs, sliding down crags and jumping over crevices.

I was still running for my life, when it broke into dawn. I switched directions and ran in the direction of the rising sun. I could see the golden glow illuminating from the sun. That glow will hopefully save my skin for now.

I sprinted faster towards the sunshine, my hope rising as the sun did and suddenly that small glowing hope was shattered as a speeding vehicle shot out right in front of me hitting my legs and banging my head on the bonnet.

Everything went dark, almost as dark as the soul of the one chasing me, almost.

Voices were surrounding me, either I'm dead or I've been caught. I'm not thrilled about either option but I've always known I'd have to face this day, my parents told me to be brave. It was still black but I could think clearly, the voices were soft yet shaky at the same time. They sounded scared. But why would they be scared? Of course there was only two options to my death and I don't think I would hear scared voices in either of them.

The voices became clearer and my vision was adjusting. I could see five figures leaning over me looking at one another. "She's still breathing and still has a pulse, she can't be dead," "Should we call someone?" "No wait, I think she's waking up!"

The figures were talking about someone, was it me? They were probably driving the vehicle that knocked me out. Why would they help me? It's not like humans to help, maybe they are different like me, but I would smell them if they were like me. What are these aliens?

"Hey love, are you okay?" one of the figures' propped me up to a sitting position. "Huh, what," I was still feeling groggy from the black out, but my vision had adjusted enough to see the figures in detail. They were male humans, they looked quite young. "W-where am I?" I asked the humans, rubbing my head. I could feel my brain throbbing through my skull.

"You're in the middle of no where on the highway, are you okay?" replied another human. I ignored his question and scanned the area like a radar. The one who was chasing me was gone.

I was on a long highway leading in one direction surrounded by dry grass and some random plants scattered across the land with rocky formations in the distance. "What are you doing here, this place is deserted." one of them questioned. I ignored him also and was too focused on the landscape to see which human had questioned me.

I turned back around to the humans. "How long was I out?" I asked curiously. "Eh a few minutes, not long." said the blond human. I looked into his pure blue eyes. Is he like me? No that can't be right, I would smell him. His eyes were a glimmering blue, you only see that in my kind. I tried to stand up but my right leg had lost all feeling in it. I slowly limped over the human, eager to discover more about this one. "Do you need help walking, is your leg okay?" He went to grab my shoulders but I softly pushed his hands away. "Stay still," I whispered.

"Uh okay," he looked confused as if it wasn't normal to check another before knowing it's safe. I advanced towards him until I was an inch away from his face, he seemed a bit uncomfortable with how close I was. I stared hard into his eyes trying to find the sparkle, his eyes sparkled, but differently, what is he?

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