Chapter 2 - The Motel

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"Wake up wake up!" My eyes opened to see a blond boy waving in my face with a gleaming, playful expression on his face, his beautiful crystal blue eyes looking into mine.

I SAID STOP! No human is beautiful!

I ignored my conscience, I didn't really want another headache right now. Spencer was still waving in my face with the car door opened. I glanced over next to me and in the front, the others were already gone. "Where are the others?" I panicked. "They're inside the motel renting a room, we're staying there overnight." Spencer replied.

"Uh.. how do I get out of this.. thing?" I eyed the black strap across my body and looked at Spencer. "Like this," he reached over me and pushed a button on the contraption making the black strap pop out.

I grabbed it gently and it zipped back to its normal position inside a panel making me jump. I gasped in awe. "Wow, that's so cool!" I exclaimed, smiling. Spencer beamed with radiance. He was quite charming.

I'm not gonna bother anymore.


I was being sarcast-

Don't care.

I shook my head and hopped out of the car. The rest of the boys came running back to the car. "Okay so we booked a two rooms, both of them have a double and a single bed, come on and choose your rooms," Colton said happily.

"Oh how's your leg Celeste? I still feel so bad that I hit you, I can't believe I didn't see you coming, I'm so sorry," his happy tone died down. There was no need to be sorry it didn't even hurt. "I'm not hurt, if it hurt I'd tell you alright," I said.

"Are you sure you're okay, I mean, it could've been fatal, I can't believe I actually did that, I'm so sorry, I'm such a stupid idiot, I can't-" I brought my index finger to his lips hushing Colton mid sentence. "It's fine really, I'm perfectly fine, I'm not dead and I don't have any major injuries. I don't see what you need to do to take care of me anyway, I'm fine." I said confidently.

"But what about your leg?" his voice was softer. I looked down at my leg and shrugged. "It doesn't hurt, see?" I tried walking away from the car, but my leg wobbled furiously before dropping to the ground. I collapsed into Ethan's arms.

"Well it doesn't hurt I just can't walk I guess," I chuckled. Oliver rushed to my side and helped me up with me still laying in Ethan's arms. "Hold on, I know what will work," Ethan scooped me up into his arms as he laughed happily. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck to hold on.

We approached the motel entrance and opened the doors to the lobby. It looked old and some furniture was a bit dusty, but it looked kind of cute and cosy. An old lady was sitting at the front desk typing away at her computer, not showing us any attention.

Ethan continued to carry me up the stairs to our rooms. Tate opened the first door and burst into the room and the rest of the boys followed laughing and throwing pillows at each other. There was so much happiness between all the boys, I could tell they all had a very strong bond with each other.

Ethan laid me on one of the beds and sat on the other side of me. "So who's sharing which rooms?" asked Oliver. "I dibs the single bed in this room!!" Tate shouted jumping onto his bed. "Two people are gonna have to share the double beds who volunteers?" All the boys mucked around pushing each other, none of them wanted to share. "I-I don't mind sharing with someone, if that helps." I suggested.

"Uh um who'd you wanna um share with?" Oliver stuttered. "Anyone I don't mind," I shrugged and sat up on the edge of the bed. "C'mon man we know you want to," Tate pushed Oliver onto me and he quickly regained his balance and lifted himself away from me. "You're sharing with me then," I said.

Oliver smiled nervously and I smiled back. "I'm honestly so tired, I drove 8 hours to get here it's 1pm now," Colton whined and flopped onto Tate's bed. "Does that mean that I was asleep in the car for that long?" I questioned. Colton nodded staring at the ceiling. I wasn't really that surprised, I'd gotten at least about 5 hours in total of sleep in the time period of 3 days. Thank goodness I get to rest even longer in safety as well.

"Go rest in your own bed douchebag," Tate said. Colton glared at him and wrestled him on the bed before getting thrown off. "Alright, I'm going," Colton laughed as he left the room. "We're gonna go chill in our room, later," Ethan and Spencer left the room.

Tate, Oliver and I sat in silence on our beds until Tate spoke up, "I'm gonna have a shower, so Oliver if you want one you'll have to use the one in the other room," Tate grabbed some undies and jeans out of his bag and shut the bathroom door without waiting for an answer. Oliver sighed and left the room, telling me he'd be back soon.

I fell backwards onto the bed, splaying my arms out. I need to fix my leg as soon as possible, I can't put these boys in danger. At least Rafael doesn't know where we are for now but I have a feeling that he knows to take the highway when night falls. I laid on my bed for a while until my conscience spoke.

You have to fix your leg now, trigger your subconscious.

I can't right now, I need to sleep for it to take control and if my leg is broken, sending more antibodies will make the bone grow deformed.

If you can still stand on your leg then it is only cracked and can be fixed normally.

I listened to my conscience and tried standing up off the bed, my leg was wobbling violently until I fell to the ground. Tate walked out of the bathroom and rushed to help me up. "Don't try walking unless someone is with you because you'll fall," Tate helped me back onto the bed. I looked up at his face, his hair was shaggy and wet. Little droplets of water falling onto his toned shirtless body. He had tiny freckles across his nose which suited him well.

We stared at each other, Tate was kneeling on the ground in front of me holding my arms as I sat on the bed. He cleared his throat and stood up awkwardly, swaying his arms back and forth. He sat next to me on the bed and stared at me, I didn't make eye contact with him, I was scared of what would happen next. "Celeste look at me," I hesitated a little but obeyed and turned my head to face him.

He examined my face and as he did I took the time to look at his eyes. A glowing green colour, like a gem. "You're beautiful you know, and your eyes are incredible, I've never seen that colour eyes before. They're literally sparkling." Tate told me. I was flustered and tried to hide my smile as I looked back into my lap. "I've never had a stranger call me beautiful before." I mumbled.

He smiled and copied my actions, looking down at his lap. "I've never seen my eyes before either," I said quietly, finally looking up at him. He smiled and took my hand leading me to the bathroom.

"Is.. is that me?" I reached my hand out slowly to a girl who was doing the same. We touched fingers but the surface was hard and cold, she wasn't actually there. I dragged my fingertips gently down the surface. "It's your reflection, it's you," Tate said from behind me. I looked back at him and he had a smile on his face, the most genuine happy smile I've ever seen. I smiled and felt tears gather in my eyes with happiness.

I faced the girl again, I lifted my hand to my face feeling my smooth skin. I had ivory skin with soft red lips, my eyes were amber coloured with sparkles scattered through them like stars in the night sky. My hair was light brown and messy, I stroked my hair softly with my fingers. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and onto my lips, I smiled as I cried softly.

I faced Tate who was still smiling and I gave him a hug crying into his shoulder. "It's me it's me-" I mumbled random words crying tears of joy. "I know babe I know," Tate calmed me down and stroked my hair. I vividly remembered the colour of my eyes, they were exactly the same as my parents and brothers, and I cried even more at the thought that I'll never be able to look into their beautiful eyes ever again.


Yay a new chapter so I'm going away soon and I'll have no wifi for 10 days :( but I will write bits and pieces of the next chapter at night when I've got nothing to do, stay tuned (:

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