Just a lick? 🍫

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AN- I already apologize. Maybe I'll write more so if you want something just comment.

It has been on Harry's mind for a while. What was the worst that could happen, Louis laughs at him and calls him crazy? And if things go his way, it's gonna be hot for both of them.

Harry was sitting on the couch with Clifford when Louis walked back through the door.

"Hey babe, how was recording?"

Louis just groaned at him. "Annoying as hell. My voice didn't want to cooperate today."

Harry gave a nod of understanding and patted the seat next to him.

"So what were my two favorite boys up to?"

"Not much, Cliff was just listening to my thoughts."


Harry hesitated. "Sex."

Louis put his his hand over his heart, faking offense. "You were exposing our child to our sex life?!"

Harry laughed and shook his head. "I was rambling things and it just came out."

Louis just put his head on Harry's lap. "Any ideas for what you want for dinner?"

Harry sighed in relief, feeling better knowing Louis wasn't going to press him about what he was talking about. "I made some pasta, if you're up for it. But if not we can get sushi."

Louis smirked at Harry. "Or both."

"You and your appetite Tomlinson," Harry groaned, moving off the couch. He walked out to the kitchen and grabbed the flyer for Chinese.

"Your usual, hun?"

"Yeah, but ask for extra egg rolls."

Harry made a noise of agreement, and started dialing the number.

One day wasted, Harry.

Things were getting heated as they sat making out on the couch. Some movie was playing in the background, but neither of them payed mind to it.

"God, fuck Harry," Louis moaned as Harry moved down his body, nails raking red lines down his chest. Louis shivered as Harry neared closer to his dick. Harry's mind was racing as soon as he came closer to it, his idea making his mouth water. Harry pushed the heel of his palm into his buldge, groaning at the sensation. As he pulled Louis zipper down, he shivered at the familiar sound. Licking his lips, he stared at the dusty head peaking out of Louis boxers.

"God, fuck get on with it," Louis whined, lifting up his hips.

Harry chuckled and pulled off his pants. He made eye contact with Louis, and sunk all the way down, gagging a little bit as it hit the back of his throat. Louis head his the back of the couch and he groaned loudly. His hands traveled to Harry's head, griping the curls tightly. Harry kept looking up at Louis almost angelic face, humming when Louis pulled a bit to hard.

"Oh, you want me to pull at your hair, hmm?"

Harry groaned at Louis' teasing voice, and snapped back by teasing the head of his cock with his tongue. Harry felt Louis thighs tense and fall lax. Louis breathing went shaky and his grip in Harry's hair was death tight. "Close," Louis breaths, trying to pull Harry off. As soon as Harry tastes the salty flavor, he lets go of everything. "No, babe, please," Louis cried as Harry ruined his orgasm. The only thought going through Harry's head was "what would it taste like mixed together", but he shook it off and climbed on Louis' lap.

"Your an ass," Louis growled, bringing Harry into a bruising kiss. Harry moaned deeply, feeling the vibrations in his ribs.

"But I'm your ass," he retaliated. "Where's the lube?"

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