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Eloise :

I was trying to be as calm as I could after the sudden declaration Byaaj the Witch Queen. She left me after a while and even said that no one would disturb me so I could perhaps take my time in mentality preparing myself.

I was numb and didn't knew what else was about to happen to me or what could possibly lead to something I hadn't imagined yet.

I roughly stood up and grab my back pack which had the letter my dad gave me. I don't think I'll need his words more than now. This place is so bad that it doesn't have a single bar of network.

The letter was still intact the way dad kept it.

The faint smell of them on the letter made me feel a bit at ease.

I sat back at the bed before opening the seal of the letter.


If you've never read this,  I'd be so happy that it never came to the point that my brave daughter was weak but if you're reading this please remember sweetie,  we're here for you.

I know you must've figured out by now that what your fate upholds,  don't you?

You've always dispised your mother because she didn't gave what a mother probably should or how others childhood went smoothly By your mothers love.

Don't blame her,  baby girl!  We all knew this the moment you were born,  even rose and we all were strived hard to find ways to ensure that this cursed fate can be avoided but as you know until now we haven't found any.

That really doesn't means that we will stop trying but what we want is that you should not give up sweetheart!

You've to keep holding it up and keep trying do your part rest is on us,  trust me when I say this we'll give our life for you.

You've your siblings and your parents and now you mate and that vamp boy Alex,  you need to keep trying for us.

Do not loose hope,  please for our sake.

This was another reason why we didn't wanted that vamp boy to enter your life,  why your mom asked him to leave you. Don't blame him. He really didn't had any other choices.

Austin loves you sweetheart. I don't know if you remember or not because that fool never talked to you because of your brothers but he had a puppy crush on you. Oh goodness!  I should kill those boys yet here I'm taking their sides,  don't tell them though!  I'll go all Alpha dad on them when you'll come back.

And you will.


If what the Witch Queen said didn't made me cry than this stupid letter made me cry for sure. I was a crying mess by the time I finished reading this.

I muffled my sobs as every person in this room has super sonic hearing power but the tears seemed like it wouldn't stop.

Alex?  He knows,  he left me for my own fucking sake and here I was hating him for leaving me behind.

My mind drifts back to when I first saw him.

The morning I was left confused and more curious about that unknown figure.

I kept wandering around the river for few days and kept staring at it from my window to see even a glimpse of him but to my utter disappointment I didn't saw him.

I was in so much pain the next day. I was hot a minute and cold another minute. Even the doctors couldn't figure out what was happening with me.

I kept sweating and then hid myself in heaps of comforters.

I saw him that night. He came to me when everyone left thinking I was asleep.

He sat beside my bed and grabbed my smaller hands in his. His touch instantly made the pain disperse abit.

" I know you're awake! "  there it was his voice again. He had those deep voices mentioned in romance books which made your insides crumble.

" I thought you'll run away again? " I still didn't open my eyes.

" I won't,  I'm sorry. I should have been more considerate after doing that to you! " he touches the place where he  had bite me .

" I did that to save you. I don't know why?  I have put your life at stake among your own kind. " true. If people were to find out I'd be in deep shit .

" I tried to stay away, you see.  I tried hard but now your soul is tied up to mine and I can't help but feel empty without you. I felt your pain,  each one of them. I'm sorry but now I can't stay away from you. "

There was eerie silent. I finally opened my eyes. Moon light was directly falling on his face. His eyes were gazing back at me .

I slowly sat up,  taking all of his features in. I was kind of afraid that he might just disappear again.

That night we just sat seeing each other and I had no idea when I fell asleep but he wasn't there when I woke up.

" I need to meet froze,  I'm running low on time and I need to get my man back. "

I left the room in Hunt of the Mermaid Princess.

Thank you

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